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Creature ID??

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I’m cycling a new set up and have gotten most plants recently from aquarium coop. 
The parameters seem stable but no fish yet. I did put my nerite in last pm and he/she seems great. 
But just saw this critter / see video.

friend or foe, any opinions??????

not sure video loaded but I’ll post this and check then.

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I don’t know how to get photo in you tube so it may just have to go unanswered but I appreciate the response. ( I’m 72 and not so saavy on tech but trying!!!)

The other question I have on tank cycling/ is it normal to have a bunch of brown specks ( loose) all over everything!!! I guess it’s some type algae??? Water parameters still good. Zero nitrites/ ammonia/ zero nitrates at this point but I have used Easy Green once or twice in past 3 weeks.

i read conflicting cycling advice but don’t want to add fish until sure. 
thank you!

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On 6/1/2024 at 4:24 PM, Potterygal said:

I don’t know how to get photo in you tube so it may just have to go unanswered but I appreciate the response. ( I’m 72 and not so saavy on tech but trying!!!)

The other question I have on tank cycling/ is it normal to have a bunch of brown specks ( loose) all over everything!!! I guess it’s some type algae??? Water parameters still good. Zero nitrites/ ammonia/ zero nitrates at this point but I have used Easy Green once or twice in past 3 weeks.

i read conflicting cycling advice but don’t want to add fish until sure. 
thank you!

It’s probably brown diatom algae. Not harmful and common in new set ups, although It’s not good looking

It’s a sign things are going the right directions towards having a cycled tank

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Posted (edited)

The loose brown specks are likely snail poop. Too much could strain the beneficial bacteria you have been building up and cause an Ammonia spike (ammonia is toxic when you have too much) I would recommend brushing off all your decorations and plants and then siphon your gravel if you can, this prevents and ammonia buildup. Brown algae, also known as Diatoms, are single celled organisms that appear when there is a buildup of nutrients (like adding too much easy green) they are easily removed, also check your lighting conditions because diatoms thrive in Low-Light conditions. It is completely harmless to your fish and shrimp though it could buildup on your plants and block out the light it needs.

Sucks that we dont get to see your video. Is it possible for you to upload a photo? If that is too hard maybe try giving us some characteristics of the "critter" so we can help!

With your water parameters you seem ready to go to get some fish friends! Could you tell us how big your tank is and what kind of plants you have? I would love to give you some fish recommendations, and im sure others will chime in as well! 

Feel free to ask any questions on things I said 😅

Edited by CoryWithAKatana
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Hey friend! I totally get not being tech savvy. But here are some resources on aquatic microfauna that might help you out so you can determine what the organism is on your own!

https://wetlandinfo.des.qld.gov.au/resources/static/pdf/ecology/microfauna/australian-waterlife-freshwater-microfauna.pdf - for small organisms like daphnia and copepods

https://dep.wv.gov/WWE/getinvolved/sos/Documents/Benthic/UMW/Insects.pdf just a lot about insects

https://www.purdue.edu/trails/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/DBAIT_Entomology_2019_05_28-3.pdf for larger organisms that copepods

https://www.wildlife.nh.gov/sites/g/files/ehbemt746/files/inline-documents/sonh/aquatic-insect-id.pdf for insect larvae

https://dep.wv.gov/WWE/getinvolved/sos/Documents/Benthic/MidAtlInverts/Annelida.pdf for worms and leeches 

Hope this helps!!! Best of luck to you!

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On 6/1/2024 at 5:24 PM, CoryWithAKatana said:

The loose brown specks are likely snail poop. Too much could strain the beneficial bacteria you have been building up and cause an Ammonia spike (ammonia is toxic when you have too much) I would recommend brushing off all your decorations and plants and then siphon your gravel if you can, this prevents and ammonia buildup. Brown algae, also known as Diatoms, are single celled organisms that appear when there is a buildup of nutrients (like adding too much easy green) they are easily removed, also check your lighting conditions because diatoms thrive in Low-Light conditions. It is completely harmless to your fish and shrimp though it could buildup on your plants and block out the light it needs.

Sucks that we dont get to see your video. Is it possible for you to upload a photo? If that is too hard maybe try giving us some characteristics of the "critter" so we can help!

With your water parameters you seem ready to go to get some fish friends! Could you tell us how big your tank is and what kind of plants you have? I would love to give you some fish recommendations, and im sure others will chime in as well! 

Feel free to ask any questions on things I said 😅

I don't think diatoms will cause an ammonia spike. They have nothing to do with nitrifying bacteria. They are entirely separate things caused by an uncycled tank and too much nutrients. They will fix themselves as the tank cycles. Snail poop is literally the best thing for that tank right now it's feeding the cycle. It will also not cause an 'ammonia spike' from one tiny snails poop and it's an air breathing snail anyway so the ammonia won't really bother it. 


On 6/1/2024 at 4:24 PM, Potterygal said:

read conflicting cycling advice but don’t want to add fish until sure. 
thank you!

Just leave it alone for a couple weeks. Everyone over thinks it and wants to tinker too much. The bacteria will figure themselves out.  Snail will eat diatoms. Snail will poop. Bacteria will break down poop into nitrogen food for other bacteria. In a few weeks you will be cycled and can start adding fish once your nitrites are gone. 

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On 6/1/2024 at 7:15 PM, doktor zhivago said:

I don't think diatoms will cause an ammonia spike. They have nothing to do with nitrifying bacteria. They are entirely separate things caused by an uncycled tank and too much nutrients. They will fix themselves as the tank cycles. Snail poop is literally the best thing for that tank right now it's feeding the cycle. It will also not cause an 'ammonia spike' from one tiny snails poop and it's an air breathing snail anyway so the ammonia won't really bother it. 



I dont think I said Diatoms would cause ammonia spikes sorry if I miscommunicated! 😅

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Thank you all for great info/ advice. This is a ten gallon so I don’t plan to have many fish. I did put spider wood in and had to weight with big neutral rock ( I tested it with some dif things) as it would not sink after 10 days. It said it would not tint water but it HAS. The water is not cloudy but def  tinted which is ok. I’m thinking of getting a group of chili rasboras single species tank. 
(my other tank is a five year established Fluval 5 gal with a beautiful Betta and two Nerites only. See clear looking pic!!)

So these pics did fine. I guess the video of critter was not uploading from my library. 

the critter was like a small mosquito larvae but it was white/clear with a black dot head. Only about .25”. I don’t see it today. O well. I did rinse but transfer a couple water lettuce babies onto surface from outside so maybe it got in that way??? 

back to DIATOMS- do I vacuum gravel , decorations now or wait a week or more?I did squeeze sponge out yesterday in cup of tank water and it was pretty full. First time using sponge filter. Pic included of diatom covered EVERYTHING!!

the tanks are in my pottery so I keep them covered pretty well to keep the ( silica) dust out of tanks. 
thank you all again.




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Posted (edited)

Looks like a mild case of diatoms, I’ve had much worse. I’m lazy so I would probably just wait it out, your nerite snail should get to work on it.

Cleaning it off the glass is easy but the hardscape is tricky and getting the plants is almost impossible. If it doesn’t bother you too much just leave it, it’s good food for your snail.

Edited by macdaddy36
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On 6/1/2024 at 8:32 PM, Potterygal said:

back to DIATOMS- do I vacuum gravel , decorations now or wait a week or more?I did squeeze sponge out yesterday in cup of tank water and it was pretty full. First time using sponge filter. Pic included of diatom covered EVERYTHING!!

They'll clear up as the tank fully cycles and matures. The snail will chow down on them.  Just brush it off the plant leaves if it gets too heavy and blocks the light

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