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Most Peaceful Apistogramma?

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Have a very peaceful 90 gal community tank with Otocinculus Vestitus, Panda Corydoras, Boesemani Rainbow Fish and Cardinal Tetras. The tank is very understocked so room is not a problem.  I would like to add some Dwarf Cichlid Apistogrammas that will keep the peaceful flow of tank. 

I have watched dozen of videos and read articles but I cannot figure out which Apistogramma would be the most peaceful. Seems like Cacatuoides, Borellii, Hongsloi and Macmasteri might all be good fits but cant decide which is the most peaceful. I would stock only 4, 3 females and a male or just all females to keep the peace. Thoughts? Thanks in advance. 

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Posted (edited)

Never kept borellii but i’ve heard they are the most peaceful.

apistogramma.com has some experts that have experience with lots of species so if you don’t get a conclusive answer here you could go there.

I think in a 90 gallon with the right ratios and numbers any of those species will be peaceful

Edited by macdaddy36
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I have a group of 5 Macmasteri in a similar 100ga community tank and they posture & tussle amongst themselves a bit but never bother other tankmates. Mine pay zero attention to yhe Rasboras, etc. They do appreciate lots of hidey holes & plant cover! 

Can't really speak for the others personally, but my friend successfully keeps ACs with small tetras & such. 

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On 5/31/2024 at 10:29 AM, Garavar said:

Have a very peaceful 90 gal community tank with Otocinculus Vestitus, Panda Corydoras, Boesemani Rainbow Fish and Cardinal Tetras. The tank is very understocked so room is not a problem.  I would like to add some Dwarf Cichlid Apistogrammas that will keep the peaceful flow of tank. 

I have watched dozen of videos and read articles but I cannot figure out which Apistogramma would be the most peaceful. Seems like Cacatuoides, Borellii, Hongsloi and Macmasteri might all be good fits but cant decide which is the most peaceful. I would stock only 4, 3 females and a male or just all females to keep the peace. Thoughts? Thanks in advance. 

I have 6 Vitelli in my 75G and they are as peaceful as cichlids get. They battle amongst themselves but never do any damage and do tolerate each other’s presence for the most part.

love these fish.


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Posted (edited)

I've kept a pair of Cacatuoides Orange Flash in a 20 long aquarium.   They spawned the female was extremely aggressive guarding the fry and even kept the male away. In a 90 gallon that should be enough space for other fish not to be harmed. @Garavar

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Posted (edited)

Most peaceful apistogramma is the one that are not breeding really


90g is big, but breeding always come with aggression. If the scenario allows, they go from anywhere to kill the species that get too close or hurt them permanently, like blinding corydoras. My friend had to give me his panda cories because his apisto trio blinded one in a 200 liter tank. And on a daily basis they had issues being kept together as his apistos were always in breeding mood. Keeping breeding fish also puts pressure on the fish with eggs/fry too. Mom needs to feel under stress to protect her babies all the time

So if you really want a peaceful apisto scenario, keeping only one (and sometimes more but males only) is the better option. Avoid breeding.

Frankly speaking, if you get something like 1m:3f, say goodbye to most tankmates or get ready to see blinded or seriously injured fish around. A peaceful community tank is not a breeding tank . All those ladies will find their territory in the tank and wont even let other fish nearby. Which will probably be three parts of the tank to avoid each other’s territory. This will leave no space for other species and is especially problematic for fish like corydoras since they legit cant know of territories and are extremely pure and bold


Edited by Lennie
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On 6/2/2024 at 1:52 AM, Lennie said:

This will leave no space for other species and is especially problematic for fish like corydoras since they legit cant know of territories. 

I didn't think about the cories. Very critical information given. I'll probably get frowned upon but I personally don't use the term peaceful especially when it concerns cichlids. 


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On 6/2/2024 at 12:52 AM, Lennie said:

Most peaceful apistogramma is the one that are not breeding really

If this a rule of thumb (I have only kept a few Apistos so I am not sure), Then Borelli are the way to go. Mine bred and had wigglers but never harmed any other tankmates.

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Posted (edited)
On 6/3/2024 at 6:02 PM, NOLANANO said:

If this a rule of thumb (I have only kept a few Apistos so I am not sure), Then Borelli are the way to go. Mine bred and had wigglers but never harmed any other tankmates.

Oh dont get me wrong. I also kept only two apisto species. But Ive heard a lot of bad scenarios, and Ive experienced enough breeding comes with so much problem usually with cichlids. I know a person irl who is an apisto only breeder tho.

like my gbr pair decided to be very aggressive towards everyone by spawning such hard high kh ph water somehow two days ago. Yikes

I love cichlids but I hate the aggression comes with it. Im gonna have to separate the pair as I want a peaceful tank and no babies. All cichlids can be somehow aggressive but usually spawning makes it way worse


As an extra, wild forms can be more peaceful. Like triple red cacatuoides can be more aggressive than wild form cacatuoides. At least thats what my friend said. And he owns and breeds soooo many apisto species. His whole business is on apistos

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