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What is on my fish?


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On 4/20/2024 at 2:09 AM, oogabooga said:

Yo @Colu one of my neon has like a super small lip thing on it's jaw. Couldn't catch any photos but don't know if it was always there AND I can only see it a lil bit. Also the other one looks like he keeps getting stuck with his mouth open, I can see the red

As I another neon  with possible small lump on mouth that could be the start of a snout chondroma with what your describing two options quarantine any showing symptoms and treat with kanaplex or Monitor if it's neon tetra disease you will see no improvement with treatment 

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On 4/20/2024 at 3:35 PM, Colu said:

As I another neon  with possible small lump on mouth that could be the start of a snout chondroma with what your describing two options quarantine any showing symptoms and treat with kanaplex or Monitor if it's neon tetra disease you will see no improvement with treatment 

ok thx im just going to wait a for longer to see! also do shili rasboras get neon tetra disease or snout chondroma?

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On 4/21/2024 at 9:49 PM, oogabooga said:

ok thx im just going to wait a for longer to see! also do shili rasboras get neon tetra disease or snout chondroma?

Rasbora can get neon tetra disease 

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@Colu it looks the same but a am worried about them dying from only being a school of four and the one that if had since before along with the others chill at a slight downwards angle. If read that facing downward is bad but it's like 5 to 30% and it changes.

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  • 4 weeks later...

@Colu i was wondering if there would be a point in me going back to 25% water changes every week to lower amounts of ntd? As on of my neon's was not from the infected batch but its been a few months now with no symptoms except from being slightly tilted down like 1-15%. I have recently been doing every 2 weeks 25%


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On 5/21/2024 at 1:09 AM, oogabooga said:

@Colu i was wondering if there would be a point in me going back to 25% water changes every week to lower amounts of ntd? As on of my neon's was not from the infected batch but its been a few months now with no symptoms except from being slightly tilted down like 1-15%. I have recently been doing every 2 weeks 25%


Water changes will have no effect on the spread of NTD once it in your system it's only a matter of time before your fish become infected keeping stable water parameters will be less stressful to your fish when a fish is infected with NTD gets stressed your more likely to see symptoms keeping stress to minimum will give your fish more time the neon in the picture not looking good looks like the  progression of NTD no treatment I could recommend how long has it been like this

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On 5/21/2024 at 3:20 AM, Colu said:

Water changes will have no effect on the spread of NTD once it in your system it's only a matter of time before your fish become infected keeping stable water parameters will be less stressful to your fish when a fish is infected with NTD gets stressed your more likely to see symptoms keeping stress to minimum will give your fish more time the neon in the picture not looking good looks like the  progression of NTD no treatment I could recommend how long has it been like this

It started with a flat belly 1 and a half weeks ago and that week has started to go concave. He still eats but his swimming is slower. On one side it looks like he has razorback but could not get picture.


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On 5/21/2024 at 4:00 PM, oogabooga said:

It started with a flat belly 1 and a half weeks ago and that week has started to go concave. He still eats but his swimming is slower. On one side it looks like he has razorback but could not get picture.


NTD can cause spinal deformities as it progresses 

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Posted (edited)

20240521_153855.jpg.42f57209ec2b3b859933288a354662b8.jpgAre we talking about the belly or the spine because I'm really worried that it could be fish tb as I wanted to see about shrimp to still add life to the tank while being a animal that can't catch ntd and one that is very interesting to watch. I got a picture as well. It is not the best photo of the razorback looking back but it is all I could get. Idk how to quote on phone so I'll ping. @Colu

Do you see the razorback??(if thats even what it is but I'm confident that the one side is different and looks like razorback.)

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On 5/21/2024 at 4:00 PM, oogabooga said:

It started with a flat belly 1 and a half weeks ago and that week has started to go concave. He still eats but his swimming is slower. On one side it looks like he has razorback but could not get picture.


Your picture looks like the progression of  NTD it's highly unlikely to have NTD and fish mycobacterium in the same I have never seen a case where the two were present in the same tank 

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On 5/22/2024 at 3:14 AM, Colu said:

Your picture looks like the progression of  NTD it's highly unlikely to have NTD and fish mycobacterium in the same I have never seen a case where the two were present in the same tank 

ok thanks because i really wanted to try shrimp and didn't want to have to take the whole tank down because with shrimp they cant get ntd but they can get fish Tb apparently and ntd will die with out a host right? after like months?


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On 5/23/2024 at 4:11 PM, oogabooga said:

ok thanks because i really wanted to try shrimp and didn't want to have to take the whole tank down because with shrimp they cant get ntd but they can get fish Tb apparently and ntd will die with out a host right? after like months?


The parasite that causes neon tetra disease can survive for months without a host I would recommend waiting and then I would steriliser the tank before adding anything else 

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On 5/23/2024 at 11:33 AM, Colu said:

The parasite that causes neon tetra disease can survive for months without a host I would recommend waiting and then I would steriliser the tank before adding anything else 

But I won't add anything for like at least a year


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Posted (edited)

And I got this better photo of the fish in general. Adb is there a reason. Why there have not been cases of ntd and fish tb together(i want to be sure that i dont have fish tb? Him and all the others have a slight dip where the head meets the body but its probably normal you can't see it in this photo of my fish but the photo before it looks like the indent a little.                                                                        



Green Neon Tetra (Paracheirodon simulans) - Tank-Bred! - Aquatic Arts


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On 5/24/2024 at 1:26 AM, oogabooga said:


Aquarium science.org has a lot of useful information on neon tetra disease I would recommend humanely euthanizing with clove oil  the neon in the picture so it doesn't die in the tank and get eaten 




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On 5/23/2024 at 11:36 PM, Colu said:

Aquarium science.org has a lot of useful information on neon tetra disease I would recommend humanely euthanizing with clove oil  the neon in the picture so it doesn't die in the tank and get eaten 




I will move him to his own place then treat with some mess just to make absolutely sure its ntd then ill euthanize but are we sure there is no fish tb?

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On 5/24/2024 at 3:46 PM, oogabooga said:

I will move him to his own place then treat with some mess just to make absolutely sure its ntd then ill euthanize but are we sure there is no fish tb?

I can never say be 100% sure with symptoms your fish have I am 95% sure your deal with NTD and not fish TB 

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On 5/24/2024 at 8:12 AM, Colu said:

I can never say be 100% sure with symptoms your fish have I am 95% sure your deal with NTD and not fish TB 

ok thx but if i were to sanitize would i have to get rid of plants and take the whole tank down or is there another way to do it the one i was talking about is worse laying on his side and i wont be home to medicate so i am probably going to euthanize



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On 5/24/2024 at 10:41 PM, oogabooga said:

ok thx but if i were to sanitize would i have to get rid of plants and take the whole tank down or is there another way to do it the one i was talking about is worse laying on his side and i wont be home to medicate so i am probably going to euthanize



When you have no live stock you could leave with just the aquarium plants for 3 month and add a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution to your tank and leave the filters running it will turn into H20 and oxygen after 24hr to sterilise your tank to high a dose will be harmful to your aquarium plants there's a fine line between disinfecting your tank and harm your plants 

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On 5/24/2024 at 4:02 PM, Colu said:

When you have no live stock you could leave with just the aquarium plants for 3 month and add a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution to your tank and leave the filters running it will turn into H20 and oxygen after 24hr to sterilise your tank to high a dose will be harmful to your aquarium plants there's a fine line between disinfecting your tank and harm your plants 

Omg this is actually live changing do you know if it would kill fish tb??

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Also can a fish get ntd form feces?? My neon that I've had longer than the ntd culprits (I bought them all at once) has not eaten a dead one. But he may have consumed a fin of an infected one through nipping and he has bit on feces.

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