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What is on my fish?


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Looks like a snout chondroma that's caused by neon tetra disease  there's no treatment currently available he's a picture for comparison @oogabooga

On 4/15/2024 at 11:53 PM, NikkiRae said:

I had a fish with the same thing and feeding kanaplex with focus cured it. 

I wouldn't recommend kanaplex in food as very little of the medication is adsorbed by the intestinal tract so it's not a lot gets into the blood stream your better off dosing the tank with kanaplex maracyn2 is much more effective in food @NikkiRae


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On 4/15/2024 at 6:01 PM, Colu said:

Looks like a snout chondroma that's caused by neon tetra disease  there's no treatment currently available he's a picture for comparison @oogabooga

I wouldn't recommend kanaplex in food as very little of the medication is adsorbed by the intestinal tract so it's not a lot gets into the blood stream your better off dosing the tank with kanaplex maracyn2 is much more effective in food @NikkiRae


If there is no cure my would I dose something? Also it is very symmetrical and when he faces me it is like perfectly square.  Would it be a genetic mutation?

Also it has not spread I  over 1 month

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I have heard some people say to just leave it and thatbtheirs was just fine after a year and a half, eating healthy whole time. Some people said theids went away after 2 months. Should a reasonable aprouch be to just wait? See if it is growing? Ill keep you updated every week is a good plan? I have bad time at comparing stuff and normally it's just placebo.

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On 4/16/2024 at 6:04 AM, oogabooga said:

I have heard some people say to just leave it and thatbtheirs was just fine after a year and a half, eating healthy whole time. Some people said theids went away after 2 months. Should a reasonable aprouch be to just wait? See if it is growing? Ill keep you updated every week is a good plan? I have bad time at comparing stuff and normally it's just placebo.

If it looks like  the picture then it's more than likely neon tetra disease I couldn't rule out a bacterial component neon tetra disease is spread when an infected fish dies and your other fish eat it and ingest to many pleistophora for the immune system to handle and it becomes overwhelmed they can have neon tetra disease for a long time it's only when I period of stress that weakens there immune system that you start to symptoms they usually died with in  two weeks of showing symptoms it can infect angelfish danio rasbora barbs guppies goldfish other tetra species it best  is to remove any fish showing symptoms to a quarantine to prevent them getting eaten if they die in your tank two options monitor or you can  do a course kanaplex and salt just in case there's a bacterial component and it's not neon tetra I can never be 100% there always a possibility some else is going on @NikkiRae I use to recommend kanaplex in food before a vet told that it is very ineffective and can damage the gut flora in your fish

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On 4/16/2024 at 4:33 AM, Colu said:

If it looks like  the picture then it's more than likely neon tetra disease I couldn't rule out a bacterial component neon tetra disease is spread when an infected fish dies and your other fish eat it and ingest to many pleistophora for the immune system to handle and it becomes overwhelmed they can have neon tetra disease for a long time it's only when I period of stress that weakens there immune system that you start to symptoms they usually died with in  two weeks of showing symptoms it can infect angelfish danio rasbora barbs guppies goldfish other tetra species it best  is to remove any fish showing symptoms to a quarantine to prevent them getting eaten if they die in your tank two options monitor or you can  do a course kanaplex and salt just in case there's a bacterial component and it's not neon tetra I can never be 100% there always a possibility some else is going on @NikkiRae I use to recommend kanaplex in food before a vet told that it is very ineffective and can damage the gut flora in your fish

i don't have place to put him and he seems fine. Ill keep updating you guys but in the past i have tried to treat something and rushed and most of my fish died. If he is doing ok then i will refrain from treating him. if he wasn't spread it in 1 month then its prob not contagious. ill try to get a photo every week. It might have grown from when i got him but only maybe.

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On 4/16/2024 at 11:21 PM, oogabooga said:

is this ok to do?



Yes you can do this I would recommend getting a small quarantine tank if you can't you can use a plastic tote as a temporary quarantine 


On 4/16/2024 at 11:27 PM, oogabooga said:

if it gets worse i will prob dose with kanaplex but can it be applied in your display tank cause i cannot get a tank to put him in.


Its fine to dose your display if you have shrimp in your tank kanaplex can be harmful to them 

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On 4/16/2024 at 4:45 PM, Colu said:

Yes you can do this I would recommend getting a small quarantine tank if you can't you can use a plastic tote as a temporary quarantine 


Its fine to dose your display if you have shrimp in your tank kanaplex can be harmful to them 

will this be harmful to live plants?? or beneficial bacteria??

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I have treated with kanaplex directly into the water and it didn't harm my biological filter but my Java ferns got droopy and they are really resilient plans. My anubias nana and Lilly's were not affected. Many ram horn snails died but not all. 

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On 4/16/2024 at 5:22 PM, NikkiRae said:

I have treated with kanaplex directly into the water and it didn't harm my biological filter but my Java ferns got droopy and they are really resilient plans. My anubias nana and Lilly's were not affected. Many ram horn snails died but not all. 

well would a 5 gallon bucket be suitable for treatment? if i need too?

@colu do you think its safe to add 2 more neons? i will get from my fav store(these were from another cause my fav didn't have any on them) and they get stressed at night, even with a hiding log. 

for more.

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On 4/17/2024 at 4:42 AM, oogabooga said:

well would a 5 gallon bucket be suitable for treatment? if i need too?

@colu do you think its safe to add 2 more neons? i will get from my fav store(these were from another cause my fav didn't have any on them) and they get stressed at night, even with a hiding log. 

for more.

Yes you could get away with a 5 gallon bucket add a small heater and a sponge filter If this is the tank your treating I would wait till you have resolved the issue before adding new fish 

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On 4/17/2024 at 3:00 AM, Colu said:

Yes you could get away with a 5 gallon bucket add a small heater and a sponge filter If this is the tank your treating I would wait till you have resolved the issue before adding new fish 

but im just monitoring right now. and it doesn't seem contagious.

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On 4/17/2024 at 3:03 PM, oogabooga said:

but im just monitoring right now. and it doesn't seem contagious.

I would have it ready just in case you need to use  it I would add an extra sponge filter to your main tank so you will have some cycled media ready 

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On 4/17/2024 at 7:25 AM, Colu said:

I would have it ready just in case you need to use  it I would add an extra sponge filter to your main tank so you will have some cycled media ready 

yes but like if he is fine then i dont medicate him when will i ever get to get those 2 more neons to complete the school?

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On 4/17/2024 at 4:06 PM, oogabooga said:

yes but like if he is fine then i dont medicate him when will i ever get to get those 2 more neons to complete the school?

I would leave it at least 4 weeks before adding new fish if he gets worse or other fish develope the same lumps then you more than likely dealing with neon tetra disease I wouldn't add any new fish to this tank I would essential quarantine this tank till you have no fish left then break it down and disinfect everything with a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution  then let dry then repeat the process again and add a UV sterilisers for a minimum of  4 weeks before adding new fish 

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On 4/17/2024 at 8:29 AM, Colu said:

I would leave it at least 4 weeks before adding new fish if he gets worse or other fish develope the same lumps then you more than likely dealing with neon tetra disease I wouldn't add any new fish to this tank I would essential quarantine this tank till you have no fish left then break it down and disinfect everything with a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution  then let dry then repeat the process again and add a UV sterilisers for a minimum of  4 weeks before adding new fish 

dam... but hes been like this for like a month and a half and hasnt spread anything


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I have cherry barb that was swelling and I realized this was rapidly turning into dropsy (not what you are dealing with). I quarantined it in a 5 gallon bucket for a week while medicating. Heater, and a sponge filter. It felt terrible having her in that stupid bucket but she made it through. A neon tetra is a lot smaller so it will be completely fine in there. I am behind you just watching and waiting, but neon tetra disease is most commonly spread (maybe even the only it spreads) is if the fish dies and the other fish start eating it, so it is kind of a ticking time bomb. 

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On 4/17/2024 at 3:26 PM, NikkiRae said:

I have cherry barb that was swelling and I realized this was rapidly turning into dropsy (not what you are dealing with). I quarantined it in a 5 gallon bucket for a week while medicating. Heater, and a sponge filter. It felt terrible having her in that stupid bucket but she made it through. A neon tetra is a lot smaller so it will be completely fine in there. I am behind you just watching and waiting, but neon tetra disease is most commonly spread (maybe even the only it spreads) is if the fish dies and the other fish start eating it, so it is kind of a ticking time bomb. 

I'm unsure cause one one hand I don't want it to spread and on another I don't really mind those bumps if that's all that happens if they get infected. But I don't want to just buy some treatment and not even sure if it will stress him out or heal the fish. ALSO, the 4 in my tank get really scared at night and 1 has jumped onto the glass(he went unresponsive and I had to manually remove him, he never tried to free himself.) I believe he is stressed about smaller school? But what if those fish get sick? I'm kinda stuck

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Yo @Colu one of my neon has like a super small lip thing on it's jaw. Couldn't catch any photos but don't know if it was always there AND I can only see it a lil bit. Also the other one looks like he keeps getting stuck with his mouth open, I can see the red

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