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Hi, I want to change the look of my aquarium in the future because I got it as a gift when I was 6-7 years old, and it looks very childish. I want to make it look a lot more natural, like the Amazon. To do this, I want to change my substrate and move my goldfish to a different tank. Are Angel Fish, Zebra Danio, Bristlenose Pleco, Corydoras, and Neon Tetras a good stocking choice for the aquarium? Any tips to design an aquarium like the Amazon?


NOTE: My aquarium is 60 liters about 15 gallons.

Screenshot 2024-03-06 at 15.10.54.png

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On 4/4/2024 at 3:23 PM, Mr.catfish said:

Hi, I want to change the look of my aquarium in the future because I got it as a gift when I was 6-7 years old, and it looks very childish. I want to make it look a lot more natural, like the Amazon. To do this, I want to change my substrate and move my goldfish to a different tank. Are Angel Fish, Zebra Danio, Bristlenose Pleco, Corydoras, and Neon Tetras a good stocking choice for the aquarium? Any tips to design an aquarium like the Amazon?


NOTE: My aquarium is 60 liters about 15 gallons.

Screenshot 2024-03-06 at 15.10.54.png

You can do small to mid size cories, neon tetras and one BN. You can’t do angels as they get big, so they need a big tank. I personally wouldn’t add zebra danios too, because in a small tank, one school of big fish that uses the same swimming level is a better idea, and zebra danios are too active and I don’t think a 15g would satisfy their energy levels. Also would crowd the mid level with neons and your centerpiece fish quite a lot.


As centerpiece fish, I would lean towards a betta, or honey gourami, or maybe 1m:2f sparkling gouramis. You can also do one apisto that can do in a regular tap water but not male and female together. My kribensis male is also angelic, but again, no pair.



the cories in the pic, one BN, one male triple red cacatuoides, 15 neons, 2 nerites, one borneo loach, and 3 amano shrimp

For a scape, you can watch some videos and decide on what both you and your fish would like, and create your own style or imitate a style you like with whats available to you 

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On 4/4/2024 at 8:23 AM, Mr.catfish said:

Hi, I want to change the look of my aquarium in the future because I got it as a gift when I was 6-7 years old, and it looks very childish. I want to make it look a lot more natural, like the Amazon. To do this, I want to change my substrate and move my goldfish to a different tank. Are Angel Fish, Zebra Danio, Bristlenose Pleco, Corydoras, and Neon Tetras a good stocking choice for the aquarium? Any tips to design an aquarium like the Amazon?


NOTE: My aquarium is 60 liters about 15 gallons.

Screenshot 2024-03-06 at 15.10.54.png

Angelfish, bristle nose and most Corydoras are far too large for that size of tank.

Some corys that would be appropriate for a small tank are the Pygmy Corys (pygmaeus, habrosus, hastatus) or panda cory.

For an Amazon themed tank go with a single Bolivian ram or 6-10 small Cory, 10 neon tetras, and 6 of another small tetra. You could also replace the Corys with a single ram or apisto.

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On 4/4/2024 at 2:50 PM, Lennie said:

As centerpiece fish, I would lean towards a betta, or honey gourami, or maybe 1m:2f sparkling gouramis. You can also do one apisto that can do in a regular tap water but not male and female together. My kribensis male is also angelic, but again, no pair

So just a single gourami or can i have a pair for these?

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On 4/4/2024 at 8:50 AM, Lennie said:

You can do small to mid size cories, neon tetras and one BN. You can’t do angels as they get big, so they need a big tank. I personally wouldn’t add zebra danios too, because in a small tank, one school of big fish that uses the same swimming level is a better idea, and zebra danios are too active and I don’t think a 15g would satisfy their energy levels. Also would crowd the mid level with neons and your centerpiece fish quite a lot.


As centerpiece fish, I would lean towards a betta, or honey gourami, or maybe 1m:2f sparkling gouramis. You can also do one apisto that can do in a regular tap water but not male and female together. My kribensis male is also angelic, but again, no pair.



the cories in the pic, one BN, one male triple red cacatuoides, 15 neons, 2 nerites, one borneo loach, and 3 amano shrimp

For a scape, you can watch some videos and decide on what both you and your fish would like, and create your own style or imitate a style you like with whats available to you 

I love watching MD Aquatic on YouTube for ideas for scaping very jungle and easy to maintain.  There are others that I like very much but not the amount of effort in maintaining that I want.

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panda corys would be ok. around 5 would work. they're on the small side for corys. but so much fun. and hardier than the other smallish corys. 3 honey gourami would work. they like to be in small groups. or 1 betta. I have no luck with neons. green neons could work for a schooler. Or could do a few harlequin rasboras (or other small rasboras) instead. a clown pleco if you want a pleco. zebra danios should be okay, but very active.  could add in a mystery or nerite snail for cleanup help.

to check your stocking levels, try aqadvisor.com. lots of choices you could make

Edited by Tony s
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On 4/4/2024 at 5:35 PM, Mr.catfish said:

So just a single gourami or can i have a pair for these?

Gouramis and their size as well as aggression level changes a lot. Depends on what you want.

Many people keep honey gouramis in groups without any issue.

Two male sparkling gouramis would surely fight in such tank size almost on a daily basis. They are fairly territorial. You can instead try to go for only one male, but it is fairly hard to distinguish sexual differences at a store so it is risky.

I dont like dwarf gouramis. Tend to be full of diseases, lesions and problems. Even has an iridovirus called as "dwarf gourami disease". They also may end up being aggressive.


Honey gouramis would be your best bet if you wanna keep a group I think.

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On 4/5/2024 at 3:25 AM, Mr.catfish said:

So i am dabating to have neon, herleyquin rasboras, and White Cloud Mountain minnows. BUT how many neon tetras can you have per liter?

and which is the easiest to breed?

I say that the minnows can breed easily in that size tank, they are super easy too breed, you can breed them in as low as a 10g I believe, 


On 4/5/2024 at 7:41 AM, macdaddy36 said:

In your sized tank I would do either 15 neons or 8 neons and 8 harlequins, or 8 wcmm and 6 harlequins


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