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Everything posted by Mr.catfish

  1. Where do you recommend to rearrange the decorations?
  2. it's 60 liters and it's a male because it is starting to grow a beard similar to the picture but it's still very small/young so I am unsure. This is my aquarium.
  3. I need fast-reproducing floating plants that my goldfish does not eat. And how can I make my bristolnose pleco stop chasing my corydoras and damaging their fins?
  4. How am I supposed to make depth in my tank any tips or tricks?
  5. Are there any tutorials or videos available for creating an Amazon River aquascape? Also, is there a way to change my gravel without losing beneficial bacteria? This is my tank now.
  6. Where/how can i sell baby fish in europe/scandinavia?
  7. So i want to breed my corydoras but i want to use live food's to condition them so any live food's i can find in my garden because buying them is to expensive to buy a starter culture. I know the risk i just want to know. Also i want to know other live foods than baby brine shrimp to feed to my fish without a starter culture.
  8. So i heard that you should not hold frozen fish food beause it might leed to an allergic reaction insted you should use gloves to hold them is this true?
  9. So i am dabating to have neon, herleyquin rasboras, and White Cloud Mountain minnows. BUT how many neon tetras can you have per liter? and which is the easiest to breed?
  10. So just a single gourami or can i have a pair for these?
  11. Hi, I want to change the look of my aquarium in the future because I got it as a gift when I was 6-7 years old, and it looks very childish. I want to make it look a lot more natural, like the Amazon. To do this, I want to change my substrate and move my goldfish to a different tank. Are Angel Fish, Zebra Danio, Bristlenose Pleco, Corydoras, and Neon Tetras a good stocking choice for the aquarium? Any tips to design an aquarium like the Amazon? NOTE: My aquarium is 60 liters about 15 gallons.
  12. I know how to breed my corydoras aeneus. But how can i make them reach sexual maturety as fast as posible?
  13. Update: it's dead thank you for all your guys help.
  14. How much now? do i feed less or more?
  15. So i few minutes ago one of my corydoras got stuck in a wooden pece and when i found him my mestery snail was eating his mouth what do i do? Do you guys think he will stay alive?
  16. My pleco has bean very aggressive during feeding time which also made some of my corydoras fins cut and one has formes some red spot after my pleco attaced it. and this is my aquarium.
  17. I have heard thet useing eldercones/tannins works like methylene blue In this video: Does it work?
  18. If you might be confused i wanted to breed common kribensis
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