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Hello! I have a 125 gallon I started a few months ago, I've been slowly bumping up stocking numbers. It is mostly a rainbow fish tank with a mix of boesmani, turqouse, and yellows. There are also 2 bristlenose pleco and 10 venezualan corydora. I'm interested in adding an electric blue acara to the tank, and while the ones I'm able to get are small now, the corydora are tiny.

Do you think a 2 inch acara would eat my corydora or grow much faster than them being a bad combo in the near future? I mostly want this to be a peaceful tank so I don't want to add the acara if it will cause problems for everyone.

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They are orange Venezuelan corydora, the corys themselves are probably around a half inch or so right now. I think Venezuelans get to be around 2 inches, not the biggest species if I'm thinking correctly.

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On 3/30/2024 at 8:05 PM, wwjond said:

They are orange Venezuelan corydora, the corys themselves are probably around a half inch or so right now. I think Venezuelans get to be around 2 inches, not the biggest species if I'm thinking correctly.

If that small, I personally would not go for the acara @wwjond, if you already have the corys that is. 

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Thanks for sharing this, I suppose i'll be patient and see just how big my corys get. I've had bronze corys before and they took quite a while to get to full size, not sure how fast the venezualans will grow.

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Agreed that if you let the Cory’s grow out and then get a juvenile EBA you should be good. Cory’s do take a while to grow out like you mentioned, but patience is a virtue, and it’ll all be worth it. Over the lifetime of the tank you’ll forget all about having to wait to grow out the Cory’s

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On 3/31/2024 at 6:50 PM, Beardedbillygoat1975 said:

Laetacara araguiae

I have been looking at these from a Florida farm (imp. Tro.) for a few months now. Not so colorful. But very interesting looking 

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If you have another tank you could move the corys there to grow up some.  I've put pretty small cories in with my full grown rams and they haven't bothered them.  I've not had EBA ever, but I will say that fish that "grow up" together seem to be pretty tolerant of each other in my experience.  If you get a small EBA and it's not big enough to bother the corys initiallly, it might just accept them.  Of course with cichlids, every day is a roll of the dice for some behaviors, so take that with the grain of salt.  

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I appreciate the info, at the moment my other tanks are pretty capped out, I could get another tank but trying to chase the 10 small cory across a 6 ft tank would be pretty difficult I'm thinking as long as they are doing okay no need to stir the pot. I'm sure I'll find another chance to get an acara in the future, I wanted to jump on the opportunity because frankly my local options are terrible, but not worth rushing into.

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On 3/31/2024 at 10:07 PM, Tony s said:

 I think you’d be fine. After letting the corys grow for a bit. And adding a juvenile eba.

for eba tank mates 


Oh nice, @Tony s. Cool vid. @wwjond, should  be fine then. Just make sure there is no agression

Edited by Whitecloud09
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