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FLFishChik’s 75g Journey

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On 5/24/2024 at 7:44 PM, EricksonAquatics said:

You just got some extra fancy little guys!😂

No kidding! It was a super nice surpriser! I ordered them from “The-Place-That- Shall-No-Longer-Be-Named”… I’m wondering if they had no idea either. lol


On 5/25/2024 at 12:24 PM, Whitecloud09 said:

Well that is actually a + because the long fin ones are sick looking! Maybe the breeder is just trying to be kind!

Maybe… but I’m stoked to see how they all turn out!

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On 5/25/2024 at 2:17 PM, FLFishChik said:

No kidding! It was a super nice surpriser! I ordered them from “The-Place-That- Shall-No-Longer-Be-Named”… I’m wondering if they had no idea either. lol


Maybe… but I’m stoked to see how they all turn out!

Yes, I was kinda kidding, but you never know, @FLFishChik.

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I mean…. Look at this guy… the fin on him is ridiculous ( in the best way)!



And the size difference between these two boggles me… the biggest and the smallest. They are the same age.


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On 5/24/2024 at 2:50 PM, FLFishChik said:



I fed some repashy yesterday, I swear they are protesting me at this point.  😂

Congratulations on having your tank stocked!!! I am expecting a pink when we see the first baby oto, baby corydoras, etc. etc. LOL.

I can't wait to see the journey over the many months (and years) and what you end up breeding, propagating, moving around, and fiddling with.  My tank has been a rewarding puzzle, a headache, a serene oasis, and a headache on some days.... but I can't say enough how much I enjoyed every moment along the way... even moving 4-5 tanks in a day to make room to set it back up!

On 5/25/2024 at 3:14 PM, FLFishChik said:

And here I thought Oto’s were strictly herbivores!


Word on the street is that they eat limpet snails too (one of the very few).  They definitely like some aufwuchs, little critters, and their bug larvae, krill, and many other things along with their veggies.

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On 5/29/2024 at 6:22 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

Congratulations on having your tank stocked!!! I am expecting a pink when we see the first baby oto, baby corydoras, etc. etc. LOL.

I can't wait to see the journey over the many months (and years) and what you end up breeding, propagating, moving around, and fiddling with.  My tank has been a rewarding puzzle, a headache, a serene oasis, and a headache on some days.... but I can't say enough how much I enjoyed every moment along the way... even moving 4-5 tanks in a day to make room to set it back up!


I am secretly hoping that eventually I will see a couple/few surprise Cory babies! I haven't a plan to actively breed anything in this tank yet, mainly because I've no idea what I would do with a bunch of Fry (other than Cory fry) if they were to reproduce, lol.

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On 5/29/2024 at 5:55 PM, FLFishChik said:

I am secretly hoping that eventually I will see a couple/few surprise Cory babies! I haven't a plan to actively breed anything in this tank yet, mainly because I've no idea what I would do with a bunch of Fry (other than Cory fry) if they were to reproduce, lol.

Can guarantee it will absolutely happen.  Where they end up laying time after time and searching for eggs during water changes is a bit of fun too!

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That moment you have a slight panic attack that something is not quite right with your Amano Shrimp… but then realize everything is actually perfect…


But then… you’d Mystery Snail still remains a mystery. Dude has barely moved in 2 weeks. Keep seeing him poke out his siphon… but not much else 


Otos be busy tho…



Plants are really growing nicely 



Kuhlis being all ninja-like 



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Grrrr... found a small Bladder Snail in the 75G the night before last, then this morning, found a small Ramshorn. FishChik is NOT pleased. Must have come in on a plant. I try and be so dang careful by washing them and taking a soft toothbrush to the entire plant before putting it in the tank.

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On 6/2/2024 at 6:09 PM, EricksonAquatics said:

They’re invincible. I swear you could boil those things and they’d spit eggs into the air and reproduce on your kitchen floor.😂

It's so dang annoying. The only snails I want in my tank are the ones I placed there on purpose, lol.. My Mystery Snail and my Nerite Snail.

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Well, it would appear at the moment, that out the 12 Congo Tetra I have, only 3 are Male… that give me 9 females. Not particularly thrilled about that, but, what can ya do? Hoping maybe o e or two are just really late bloomers 😂

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I just can’t get over how well this tank is turning out and how well all of the fish are doing.  Out of the 70+ fish, shrimp and snails in this tank there’s only been one loss. Everyone is growing by leaps and bounds. I’m so deliriously happy with it.




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On 6/9/2024 at 1:30 AM, EricksonAquatics said:

That’s exactly how it’s supposed to be! It looks stunning and everyone looks quite happy. You’ve done an amazing job with it 🙂

Thank you! I’ve obsessed over this tank since before the first piece of equipment was purchased - as my husband will attest. He’s probably sick of me fussing over it 😂. Definitely a labor of love. Now, it’s just maintenance and enjoyment.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

Well, here is the latest photos! It’s all going well except for the occasional Ramshorn snail I need to smoosh every now and then. Everyone is doing well. Plants are taking off and filling in (Aponogeton had needed several trims and bloomed several times now).




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