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Bristlenose pleco aggressive

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Is it just pushing them around at feeding time? Alot of plecos will resource guard a wafer while eating, if this is the case place food on the other side of the aquarium for the corydoras.

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I’ve had up to 7 adult bristlenose plecos in my 100 G nanofish tank with up to 20ish cories of a couple species and no injuries from the plecos.

What size tank is that and are you spreading out the food?  How often and what are you feeding?  Do you see your pleco in the front glass sometimes so you can see their belly to assess if it’s nice and full or if it’s hollow looking?  If it’s ever hollow looking you need to feed more often or feed differently. If that isn’t enough, then you might need to deworm although that’s less likely to be an issue for bristlenose plecos than other species.

It’s far more likely that BN plecos need more vegetables or need feeding at a different location vs. needing dewormed.

Try spreading out the food and offering veggies that will stay in the tank 12 hours or so (overnight would be good) and see if that reduces the pleco being overprotective of the food. 

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 My pelco is very territory, I feed him  away from my other  fish and snails he guards  his zucchini like a hawk from the snails  if one gets near …  he gets his own vegetables' and   food away from the others in the tank 

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