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How many more fish?


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I personally wouldn't add anymore cichlids because once either paired off your going to have problems in a aquarium that size. I would add a group of tetra.

Edited by Tlindsey
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If you want to add an eba I’d just add 1 to prevent pairs. Although eba’s are not really aggressive. But somewhere I’ve heard tapejos do better with 5 or more. Spreads the same species aggression out better. You could easily do rainbows as well. Small group of boesemani or praecox would be good. Or like @Tlindsey says larger tetras. Possibly congos. Would make an interesting tank. 

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I was definitely hoping to add some EBAs, might have to limit that to 1, and some tetras. Hmm, I have some thinking to do. Might need another 75G lol. Thanks for all the feedback!

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Geos are pretty docile but once they get older and start nesting your aquarium will be subject to… their design choices. 

You can probably add a couple pairs of EBA without any hassle. I might add some more sight breaks and caves though. And be aware that geos are messy so filter maintenance regime will have to be more frequent.

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