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Tank parameters question


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I did a water test this evening and some of my levels are “off” or rather different then they normally are. I did a 20% water change on Saturday. I did rinse the filter media in old tank water as well. 

I use the API test kit:
ph 8.0 (it’s usually 7-7.5) 

ammonia .25

nitrite 0

nitrate the color is between 0 and 5 ppm

water temp is 78 degrees 

should the higher ph and ammonia be concerning? 

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Doing something for Higher ph, no, it should settle to normal. Just keep an eye on it. The last thing you want to do is make rapid changes to your tank. Maybe the city changed something temporarily. You could take a test at the tap and see. It’s actually not a bad idea anyway. Just to know what your water normally is. I’d just watch it for now 

Edited by Tony s
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If you’re worried about the excess nitrogen at the moment. You could do another 20% change. Then add some bacteria back in to bolster your cycle. I’d still test your tap though. Just to see 

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Yes to all above.  Test your tap water and add some bacteria. Seems odd to me that you would have 0 nitrates, but the higher PH and ammonia means that something changed. Maybe count your fish and make sure you didn't lose someone. 

Edited by Wisdom
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