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Duckweed quarantine?

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I recently stopped by a new local fish store in my area and they gave me a scoop of duckweed in a cup for free. As you can see in the picture, there are a lot of small snails and other tiny white organisms in the cup, and I was wondering if there was something I could do to assure that I don’t introduce these into my tank as well when I transfer some of the duckweed from the cup into my tank. 



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I've never had luck keeping critters out of duckweed so I'm not sure how that could be done.  With that said, I've always had great results from having snails and micro-organisms in my tanks as part of the ecosystem.  My issue is always the duckweed that multiplies out of control!  HA!  

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  • Reverse Respiration
  • Peroxide dips
  • Alum dips
  • bleach dips
  • Potassium permanganate

...will kill the snails and eggs.  Reverse Respiration is the least damaging to the plants, but takes longer.

The first two are the safest for the the plants and animals. Bleach is probably the most hazardous, and I've never tried Potassium

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Free stuff is always coo! I don't get excited over snails anymore. As long as I keep algae under control, the population seems minimal. If I notice a bunch, I vacuum them up when I do water changes and release them into the yard or my other plants. 

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