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Stocking/plant suggestions for 9 gal planted fluval flex

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I want to get some peaceful fish that do well in a 9 gallon and with a betta. Preferably tetras because a schooling fish would be fun. Due to square tank shape I'm asking advice on stocking.


Recommendations for a small heater that can be asdjusted to my prefered temp versus preset, and fit in back chamber of fluval flex 9 gallon. Also open to ideas for more plants.


All I have planned for at the moment is a betta fish, a mystery snail, and potentially some otos.


background on tank:

This has been a hard fought battle against black beard algae for 2 years, especially after my lights got stuck going 24/7 for the past year and half. Tried the neglect route and it somehow fixed it. Please excuse the calcium/crushed coral dust on everything. At the start I intended for them to go frequently to encourage algae growth for otos, but then black beard algae showed up. It's killed and shrunk back most of my java fern which was 3x the size at one point before being completely covered in black beard algae. It killed off my moneywort too though I have some floating alive still? The root areas rotted causing it to float, and also caused this red plant to float. I can't remember the name at the moment. I also have an anubis who had rot when I got it and had to be cut down to the last leaf, so it's grown an okay amount after a year and a half. I plan to add frog bit at the top too and more plants. Dwarf hair grass died out I think too. 


I don't know why some pics are upside down.

I know it looks like a hot mess right now. It was my first attempt at aquascaping, but gave up on it after black beard algae war. I plan to add more plants soon, but I would prefer to keep the algae for an algae eaters so I've done very rare maintence. I didn't remove decaying plant matter so it could feed the tank ammonia since it is a 2 year old fishless tank, and because of this, when I add ammonia now, it can take care of 3-4ppm ammonia in half a day. Will be doing constant monitoring and tests to make sure the cycle is still going strong before adding fish. 


Included pics of before the battle below. Sadly don't have one of when the java fern was 3x the size. 😂20220219_202229.jpg.3491162706dee4a85e448fdc661d11be.jpg20220324_033432.jpg.a7497398adaef46b3ea99a3bf7f9f196.jpg

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Hi @MidnightBel, good looking tank for your first attempt at aquascaping. For fish, I suggest, maybe some green neon tetras or neon tetras (green neons are smaller in size). Shrimp could be an option but idk with a betta. For plants I personally like anubias including anubias nana and petite. Windelov Java fern is awesome. Male or female betta @MidnightBel? Do you have the betta or plan on getting it? What is your paremeters? White cloud minnows are awesome too but with betta again not to sure how that could work…

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I can tell you what not to get. You don't want the kuhli loach. They hide behind the baffle. I spent 3 hours trying to get them on the right side a couple Saturdays ago. then cut some prefilter material in half and put it in the filter pocket. that seems to work btw. so if you do that, kuhlis would be okay. skittish or jumping fish could also be a problem. I had lemon tetras I thought had all passed on, na, they jumped behind the baffle. all were fine😅.

maybe something like ember tetras, or chili rasboras though. or a small herd of fancy guppies? a honey gourami for showpiece

or a betta. with lambchop rasboras?

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On 3/1/2024 at 1:55 PM, MidnightBel said:

Recommendations for a small heater that can be asdjusted to my prefered temp versus preset, and fit in back chamber of fluval flex 9 gallon


I have had this heater in my betta tank for almost 1 year.
I have the 25 watt for my 3.5 gallon tank so I don’t know if the dimensions are the same, mine is 4”X1”.  

Edited by Skyler
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Thank you for the heater suggestion!!

As for the betta, I have 3 already who are potential candidates to go in. 2 female koi, and a male red rose petal betta.

I have one of the outputs blocked in the fluval flex to reduce flow and it is hitting a bit against the wall as well. So far the red male is looking like a very likely candidate. I have his tank next to 5 zebra danio, white minnow (singular), and 3 guppies. Those guys are in quarantine right now waiting for another 2 weeks for their 2nd round of paraclense. 

I love khuli loaches so much and planned on putting a mesh on intakes to stop anything sneaking behind. Would 2 khuli loach, a mystery snail, and some ottos not be too much algae eaters? 🤔

I plan to establish the fish community in the tank and add the betta last for the best chances. I have 3 different bettas too if they don't work out, and if not they will get their own 10gal tanks. As for parameters I will need to check. I think pH is probably 7-7.6 because I have had crushed coral to help the kh and gh recently. It will be removed soon as I will be dosing liquid fertilizer more regularly again. Occasionally I'll have to add it back in or I might keep a super small bag in the back chamber. 

I will probably stay away from guppies even though I have 3 already (2 are fry still growing). I know bettas aren't too happy about their fancy fins usually. At first I planned to have neon tetras or rummynose/red nose tetras.

Then I saved a deformed white cloud and got them zebra danios to school with, but was told to get them a long tank instead of square, so got them a 20gal for when they are done with quarantine. Will give me plenty of room for more guppies too this way with them.


So would green neon tetras be good in small tank? Not too active to stress a betta? I would prefer some blue/white colors in there for schooling fish so they would be quite perfect.

What about rummynose tetra behavior? I love how tightly they school and would love to get them for a different community tank if I end up with green neons.

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On 3/2/2024 at 9:11 PM, MidnightBel said:

Would 2 khuli loach, a mystery snail, and some ottos not be too much algae eaters?

All of those eat algae wafers. And all would love fresh veggies as well. Blanched zucchini rounds. Stick with a fork then throw in. Kuhlis and the snail would do sinking carnivore pellets as well 

On 3/2/2024 at 9:11 PM, MidnightBel said:

So would green neon tetras be good in small tank?

Should be fine. Same as regular neon just different color.

I have a betta with neons now. A betta with guppies and kuhlis. A betta with harlequin rasboras. And a female in my platy tank. She thinks she's one of them. Schools and everything. they seem to be doing fine. 

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On 3/2/2024 at 10:06 PM, yakteriyaki said:

My betta male gets along really well with panda

Oh yes they do. Actually. They really don’t care about the pandas. They’re beneath them. 😂

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  • 5 months later...

I have a flex 9 with a dwarf hair grass carpet in the front, some S. Repens behind them, crypt wendtii on both sides, a lava rock with Japanese pennywort attached to it, a few stems of pogostemmon erectus, and a few stems of broadleaf ludwigia in the back corner. I have 2 honey gouramis (I keep them together when not breeding), 1 sparkling gourami, 6 pygmy corys, and a nerite snail. Just got my 2nd flex 9 and am planning on a large school of ember tetras and maybe a female betta or a Bolivian ram with dragon stone and heavily planted.PXL_20240808_004252286_MP.jpg.95fe690c48b20a3f88f309ec905cea42.jpgPXL_20240816_191934511.jpg.2bc816a37346b33dc31e2a248e41067c.jpg

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On 8/17/2024 at 3:56 AM, nicdaddy1220 said:

I have a flex 9 with a dwarf hair grass carpet in the front, some S. Repens behind them, crypt wendtii on both sides, a lava rock with Japanese pennywort attached to it, a few stems of pogostemmon erectus, and a few stems of broadleaf ludwigia in the back corner. I have 2 honey gouramis (I keep them together when not breeding), 1 sparkling gourami, 6 pygmy corys, and a nerite snail. Just got my 2nd flex 9 and am planning on a large school of ember tetras and maybe a female betta or a Bolivian ram with dragon stone and heavily planted.PXL_20240808_004252286_MP.jpg.95fe690c48b20a3f88f309ec905cea42.jpgPXL_20240816_191934511.jpg.2bc816a37346b33dc31e2a248e41067c.jpg

That tank looks amazing!

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