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Everything posted by yakteriyaki

  1. We have nerites that leave eggs all over, and one trumpet snail, and small ramshorns keep showing up also. I assumed it wouldn’t be the nerites because it’s all freshwater.
  2. Hello, I’ve started seeing these tiny little dots on the walls of the aquarium. They don’t quite look like eggs, but I’m not sure if they’re actually moving. Is this a baby Ramshorn? Some other baby snail?
  3. Hello, quick question because I can’t seem to find a clear answer anywhere online even searching these forms. Are we still worried about marimo balls carrying invasive species? I’ve seen a couple now at Petco and online stores, but I know they disappeared for a while. Anyone know where we stand now?
  4. My betta male gets along really well with panda and sterbai corys !! You can get away with three of either and they are super fun.
  5. Thanks, I was thinking of shrimp! Has black substrate so bright ones could look really nice.
  6. Hello, I have a 2.5 gal tank sitting around waiting for some life. Not heavily planted but does have some moss and Java ferns on some driftwood. It’s one of these: https://www.petco.com/shop/en/petcostore/product/aqueon-black-25-gallon-led-minibow-smartclean-kit-3292643?store_code=265&mr:device=c&mr:adType=pla_with_promotionlocal&cm_mmc=PSH|GGL|CCY|CCO|PM|0|kUMWcWiLY5b1EHQjK6kSR6|||0|0|||18145199970&gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIuanM-tPWhAMVMgGtBh1rtADrEAQYASABEgKDi_D_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds I’d appreciate any ideas on what to put in it? I could always do a beta but maybe something else? Thanks !
  7. Hello, I just found this little guy in our community tank. Probably hitched a ride on some plants. Anyone able prominently easily? Is this ramshorn?
  8. I’ve had these guys for about four months. This one has always been a lot larger than the others. I noticed he’s been swimming with his nose pointed down a lot lately. Should I quarantine him?
  9. Hello, I have one large neon tetra about 25% bigger than all the others, and he’s just sitting at the bottom of the tank. He was fine a couple days ago. Hasn’t moved in about an hour or so. He’s still moving his mouth and breathing but he doesn’t look like he’s moving otherwise. is he just on his last limb? Is there something specific wrong with him? Any help appreciated? Thanks.
  10. Hello, Yesterday I started seeing this white stuff on the bottom of the tank. There’s only one beta and one nerite snail in this tank. 2.5 gallons. Any idea what it is? Should I be worried? Any help appreciated. Thanks.
  11. Hello, any input helps, thanks! Have 10 gallon tank with five neon tetras, using “Fritz Maracyn” to combat little white spots on two of them. Woke up this morning to lots of bubbles and brown scum on the top of the water and around edges. Is that going to be a problem? So I need to start cycling water frequently when using the maracyn? Thanks!
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