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Fishless or Fish-in Cycle?

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Hey, reaching out for help regarding cycling the tank. The time old question, can I cycle my tank with fish in it? I know it's possible but it's a bigger process. Iv'e had succes with some guppies, bettas, and Otocinclus. The most amount of time I can do fishless cycle is a day. Any reccomendations? These fish are supposed to come with the rest of my order.

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It really comes down to, in my opinion, do you wanna do a bunch of testing and water changes (fish in)? Or do you wanna just be patient and wait, and not do a bunch of water changes (fishless)?

Sounds like you’ve already ordered the fish and have them on the way? If thats the case, and your tank isn’t cycled, sounds like you’re in for a fish in cycle. 

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A day wouldn't be considered "cycled" or "fishless" under any circumstances, so what you're basically asking (if I'm reading things correctly) is fish in after no days, or fish in after 1 day? To which I would answer same thing no difference. 

I think fish-in cycling is criticized too harshly, too often. If you put fish in an uncycled tank, don't do water changes, and over feed your new fish (which every new fish keeper does), then all those things are bad, and frowned upon, and unnecessary, and harmful, and all that. Wrist slapped. 

But if you only add a reasonable number of fish at the start, you feed lightly (like every other day, and never too much), and you change water like 10% every day or other day for a couple weeks, you're going to be fine and your fish will be fine too. The bigger the tank, and the fewer the fish, the less you have to change water to keep it healthy. Smaller tank and more fish means more water change required. 

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On 2/29/2024 at 1:01 PM, EnvyDontKnow said:

I wanted to cycle the tank for a day

Like @TOtrees said, I’m not sure what you mean by cycling a tank for a day. A cycle starting from 0, with no already established media, can take anywhere from like 30-45 days. 

Are you familiar with the nitrogen cycle? 

Edited by AllFishNoBrakes
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On 2/29/2024 at 2:01 PM, EnvyDontKnow said:

@AllFishNoBrakes Thanks! I guess I'll have to do a fish in, I wanted to cycle the tank for a day and take the risk of letting them sit room temprature in the original packaging but I think I might go with your advice! Thanks again!

If you already have the fish, then it looks like you are doing a fish in cycle. You want to get them out of the bag as quickly as possible.  A fish in cycle is a decent amount of work for about a month maybe even 2 but its doable.


1) Test water daily and even twice a day if possible.

2) do a 50% water change if you see any ammonia in the test.

3)  Feed very sparingly during the cycle. more food = more fish waste = more ammonia = more water changes.


Edited by NOLANANO
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On 2/29/2024 at 2:55 PM, EnvyDontKnow said:

Hey, reaching out for help regarding cycling the tank. The time old question, can I cycle my tank with fish in it? I know it's possible but it's a bigger process. Iv'e had succes with some guppies, bettas, and Otocinclus. The most amount of time I can do fishless cycle is a day. Any reccomendations? These fish are supposed to come with the rest of my order.

@EnvyDontKnow How many aquariums do you have setup and running?

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A day isn't going to do anything and the fish are coming.

The best thing you can do is (a) load the tank with plants and (b) feed very little (or not at all on certain days).  The less food you add, the less ammonia that will be generated.  Also, keep up with those water changes.

For future tanks, you will have the advantage of having cycled media.  In addition, if you can muster the patience, you can do a fishless cycle and not have to worry about all the work involved with a fish-in cycle.


Can you let us know what the size of the tank is and what fish you'll be adding?  Also, do you currently have other tanks running?

Edited by Galabar
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I'm no expert, so take my comment with a grain of salt. Will you be adding any beneficial bacteria like One and Only? I am setting up a quarantine tank sone and will be doing a fish in cycle and using One and Only. I also think a lot depends on the size of the tank in relation to the number of fish.

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If you can, find a bunch of plants from established aquariums, and put those in immediately. And, similarly, see if anyone near you could give you some well established filter media.

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Posted (edited)

@Whitecloud09 @AllFishNoBrakes @TOtrees


Sorry all, for not being specific I just wanted to cycle a day to be safer in a way I guess but thank you for telling me that wouldn't be much better than just a regular fish in cycle. Again totally my bad! Thanks to everyone for the helpful advice I REALLY appreciate it! Take care everyone!

@JohnNYC   I'm using AquarioNeo  Starter water conditioner and whatever else I need!



@Galabar, The plan is using a 10 gal and my other tanks right now are all dismantled and unused.

Edited by EnvyDontKnow
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On 3/1/2024 at 8:20 PM, EnvyDontKnow said:

Again totally my bad!

Not your bad, nothing to be ashamed of at all. We’re all here to help and wanna see each other succeed. Let us know if you have any questions along the way and we’d be happy to help!

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@Tlindsey, @Whitecloud09


To answer your questions I plan to purchase Orange Rili and Youkihi Medaka! My planned setup is in a UNS 10-gallon with a lower output voltage light (I think it's one of the Twinstar B-lines?) and a HOB Nano filter that can filter up to 10 gallons. 

I have no other tanks currently up, they are all currently dismantled and unused, too small for my planned setup though. they are just being saved for something else.

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