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Nannostomus beckfordi red

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I got these Monday from Dans fish.  

They were stunning metallic rose gold with a thin stripe.  7C28BD6F-A625-4F97-8A2E-81ECE659FFE3.jpeg.5ef93cfc3ece163d704a7f780169726a.jpeg

Tiday the boys are brick reddish and the stripe is wide. The girls are washing out and losing the stripe.  This is the spawning color coming in. I caught some boys sparring today.  It’s comical as anything to watch. It’s a Wiggle fight 🤣



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All of mine have looked the like 1st video since I got them. later they got little bits of whitish blue on the tips of their fins. I have noticed mine are more washed out first in the morning. They kind of remind of my gouramis in how they are very cautious and calculated in each movement. Mine used to spar like that before I had to get the new ones.

Dan's fish is great!

Edited by macdaddy36
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On 2/25/2024 at 7:56 PM, Guppysnail said:

I got these Monday from Dans fish.  

They were stunning metallic rose gold with a thin stripe.  7C28BD6F-A625-4F97-8A2E-81ECE659FFE3.jpeg.5ef93cfc3ece163d704a7f780169726a.jpeg

Tiday the boys are brick reddish and the stripe is wide. The girls are washing out and losing the stripe.  This is the spawning color coming in. I caught some boys sparring today.  It’s comical as anything to watch. It’s a Wiggle fight 🤣



@Guppysnail very nice pickup.

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On 2/25/2024 at 8:02 PM, macdaddy36 said:

later they got little bits of whitish blue on the tips of their fins.

Thank you. I noticed the pelvic fins had white tips on a few. I was worried it was fungus.  My eyes are old and not great, they are small and very quick. 

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Little bit of fungus on fins never bother me - they get into scrapes; fungus forms while the wound heals and then poof it is gone. The worse mistake i ever made was trying to treat a fish that had some fungus on a wound. To be honest i'm not even sure what the difference is between 'fungus' the disease and fungus on a wound but it seems like different stuff because one actually seems to eat into the fish and needs to be treated the other frequently appears while the fish is healing from a wound and seems normal.

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On 2/26/2024 at 9:48 AM, anewbie said:

Little bit of fungus on fins never bother me - they get into scrapes; fungus forms while the wound heals and then poof it is gone. The worse mistake i ever made was trying to treat a fish that had some fungus on a wound. To be honest i'm not even sure what the difference is between 'fungus' the disease and fungus on a wound but it seems like different stuff because one actually seems to eat into the fish and needs to be treated the other frequently appears while the fish is healing from a wound and seems normal.

Yeah my corydora get bits on fins occasionally.  It heals on its own. Most I usually do if it does not us salt. 
I only worry with new incoming fish because it can be a sign of some other illness present and the fungus being a secondary opportunistic 

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I've got 12 of these and they're pretty interesting to watch.  The sparring gets pretty aggressive for something with such small of a mouth and being not very big.  The males is almost jet black too, it's hard to see them against a black background.  Good luck with them!

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I was excited yesterday m.  All my girls went to bed looking like they had full egg bellies.  

I was right. They all spawned this morning.  Not a single one used the catch cup moss ☹️

They spawned in the top floating hornwort.  I watched soooo many eggs fall to the bare bottom floor that needs vacuumed today. 

Im going to clean out a tank and set it up to move the adults to so I can maybe get a few of these eggs to hatch before they fungus. 

I’m setting this tank up with jungle sand covered by a Christmas moss layer.  I may just need to shuttle these kids back and forth. 🫤

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