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New Fish Keeper (25 gallon tank)

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Hi, I'm new from TN and am trying to figure out the best way to deal with a new tank with live plants. I have been trying to cycle the tank for a little over a week. I have done lots of research and can't tell if I should try to do a fish cycle or a fishless cycle. I have live plants in the tank and am planning on getting some more today. Should I add 1 beta to increase the ammonia allowing the beneficial bacteria to start growing more. I used API Quick start and have been adding small amounts of fish food. I don't quite know what is the best option. Below is the tank as it sits. Thank you for your help. IMG_0839.png.f8b4ddc18d6e8bc4023581694a081d2a.png


Edited by Qnash
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there 3 main ways to start a tank. fish in requires constant monitoring and water changes when ammonia and nitrites get to0 high. above .5 ppm on ammonia. fishless can be easier, no water changes necessary. fritz makes a fritz fuel for ammonia source. or you can ghost feed your tank. adding food daily until you get to 2 ppm ammonia. also, no water changes. fish in is faster. but again, constant monitoring and water changes or it affects fish health. any of these 3 works. your choice.

1 betta by himself is not going to produce enough ammonia to be effective in a short amount of time. a better source of bacteria would be fritzyme7 or seachem stability.

you'll probably want a bottle of seachem prime for after water changes. and possibly to help with excess ammonia after a change. don't worry about excess ammonia on plants. they'll love it

oh, and Welcome to the forum

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Ok, thank you. That's great to know. These forums have been helpful and it has just been 1 day!

On 2/24/2024 at 12:02 PM, Tony s said:

there 3 main ways to start a tank. fish in requires constant monitoring and water changes when ammonia and nitrites get to0 high. above .5 ppm on ammonia. fishless can be easier, no water changes necessary. fritz makes a fritz fuel for ammonia source. or you can ghost feed your tank. adding food daily until you get to 2 ppm ammonia. also, no water changes. fish in is faster. but again, constant monitoring and water changes or it affects fish health. any of these 3 works. your choice.

1 betta by himself is not going to produce enough ammonia to be effective in a short amount of time. a better source of bacteria would be fritzyme7 or seachem stability.

you'll probably want a bottle of seachem prime for after water changes. and possibly to help with excess ammonia after a change. don't worry about excess ammonia on plants. they'll love it

oh, and Welcome to the forum

I got some fishless fuel which seems to be close and have the ammonia that you recommended and some prime. I will try it out with the API quick start. I think I have all the components I would need for a mix of the two systems. Thanks. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Update! The fishless fuel is working well. It was more potent than I thought. I have ~0.1 ammonia, 2ppm NO2, 100ppm NO3. I’m going to do a 75 percent water change on Tuesday because of some construction. I am wondering if I should add some food to keep the ammonia processing working. I’m concerned the bacteria will die off quickly if there is 1-2 days without ammonia being produced. Should I add another drop or fish food to extend the cycle? I am thinking Wednesday I might get some fish. Thanks for the help.


On 3/7/2024 at 8:55 PM, johnnyxxl said:

Welcome aboard 

Thank you.

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Beneficial bacteria doesn't just wink out of existence if there's a temporary lack of food.  It will be OK.  In the first picture the two outside plants look like java fern.  You'll want to make sure the rhizomes aren't buried otherwise they're likely to have issues and possibly die.  Otherwise everything's looking good!

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If you have your fish picked out, when the nitrite reaches zero, you’re ready to add a few. The bacteria should be just fine for a few days. You’ll want to start with a small group, depending on size. This will allow your bacteria to adjust. Have you decided what you want?

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I think that the plan is 10 neon tetras and 4 dojo leaches. Then a week or two later if stable 2 dojo leaches and 4 betas female. I did add a bunch of ammonia and have waited over a month letting it settle so I think that should be a doable load I think. 


Thank you for the rhizome information. 

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On 3/7/2024 at 10:49 PM, Qnash said:

I think that the plan is 10 neon tetras and 4 dojo leaches. Then a week or two later if stable 2 dojo leaches and 4 betas female. I did add a bunch of ammonia and have waited over a month letting it settle so I think that should be a doable load I think. 


Thank you for the rhizome information. 

Good luck, I am picking plants tomorrow hopefully they have them in stock 

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On 3/7/2024 at 10:12 PM, Qnash said:

I’m concerned the bacteria will die off quickly if there is 1-2 days without ammonia being produced. Should I add another drop or fish food to extend the cycle? 

@Qnash I went maybe…6 days without feeding bacteria and it easily was fine, bacteria is not a fish, it does not need food to survive for a long time just like @jwcarlson and @Tony s said, and also yes the rhizome can not be buried or will start slowly rotting and eventually die. Nice stocking ideas and hope everything goes well in this awesome looking 25g tank. You started in the right direction and that is good for a new keeper! Good luck!!!!

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Welcome and very nice set up. Everyone's given great info. I'll be watching to see how this aquarium looks with fish. It's already come a LONG way. Well done!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Finally, I got some fish! I got 10 neon tetras and 6 Cory catfish. It’s been two days. I had 2 catfish die. I can’t figure out why. The water checks out at 0 amonia, 0 nitrites, 15 nitrates, ph 7.7. Temperature 78 degrees. Since two died do I need to get 2 or 4 more? I have a picture of the dead fish if it’s helpful. 


I will move to the Journal tab. 

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On 3/20/2024 at 9:15 PM, Qnash said:

Finally, I got some fish! I got 10 neon tetras and 6 Cory catfish. It’s been two days. I had 2 catfish die. I can’t figure out why. The water checks out at 0 amonia, 0 nitrites, 15 nitrates, ph 7.7. Temperature 78 degrees. Since two died do I need to get 2 or 4 more? I have a picture of the dead fish if it’s helpful. 


I will move to the Journal tab. 

Sorry about that,I would just grab 2 more corys personally I think they feel safer in groups if I am not mistaken, I look forward to your tab in journals!! Thanks for update @Qnash


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Agreed @Whitecloud09, 2 cory's should be fine. I've had 6 corys living in perfect harmony for a few years now. The 2 were likely weakened and sick when you got them. Appreciate them but don't question yourself too deeply over this.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Welcome aboard. We're here to help you along the way. 

Another option to cycle a tank that wasn't mentioned, is to put cocktail shrimp in your tank - letting it rot and jumpstarting the ammonia needed. 

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