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Large neon tetra sitting at bottom of tank


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Hello, I have one large neon tetra about 25% bigger than all the others, and he’s just sitting at the bottom of the tank. He was fine a couple days ago. 

Hasn’t moved in about an hour or so. He’s still moving his mouth and breathing but he doesn’t look like he’s moving otherwise. is he just on his last limb? Is there something specific wrong with him? Any help appreciated? Thanks. 


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On 2/16/2024 at 10:27 AM, yakteriyaki said:

Hello, I have one large neon tetra about 25% bigger than all the others, and he’s just sitting at the bottom of the tank. He was fine a couple days ago. 

Hasn’t moved in about an hour or so. He’s still moving his mouth and breathing but he doesn’t look like he’s moving otherwise. is he just on his last limb? Is there something specific wrong with him? Any help appreciated? Thanks. 


@yakteriyaki Yes something definitely wrong because the Neon looks bloated. How long have you had the Neons?

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On 2/16/2024 at 2:44 PM, yakteriyaki said:

I’ve had these guys for about four months. This one has always been a lot larger than the others. I noticed he’s been swimming with his nose pointed down a lot lately. Should I quarantine him?

Yeah u could and this is could be  old age but u can’t really know, it is huge! I have never seen one that big. I would maybe quarantine him. There is def something wrong 

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I have a giant neon too, I think its a gravid female that never layed, or reabsorbed, her eggs. She gets around well enough and eats, but swims nose down like yours. She's been with me over a year now. 

Is this one eating? Adding a bit of salt to the tank might help heal the fins and relieve any bloating. I've done about a tablespoon per 10 gallons before, but you can up that as needed, esp if you don't have live plants

@Colu might be able to help too. 

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