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Short Stem Plant Recommendations

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I am looking for recommendations for short stem plants (less than 4 inches max).  I have several root plants already including crypts, chain swords, and very giant and established amazon swords with heavy root systems, so would like to add shorter plants that feed heavy from the water column and won't compete with the swords.  Also, want to avoid large stem that will bush out (like Pogostemon Stellatus) since the Amazons are so big already....essentially trying to find short stem plants that won't clutter.

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On 2/10/2024 at 4:40 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

Pearlweed can be contained to short lengths too. Will grow longer.

@RichNJ, YouTube aquascaper MD Fish Tanks did a pearlweed carpet. I've never tried it, and so have no personal experience, but it looks like it will work but with a lot of maintenance:


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