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Blue green algae/cyanobacteria treatment

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Hey, I found multiple recommendations on the blog. I'm guessing the Fritz Slime-Out is the more up-to-date one ("After vacuuming the substrate and refilling the tank, add one full dose of Slime Out (which is 1 packet per 25 gallons of water), and let the aquarium sit for 48 hours before doing a 25% water change.") But there's also "Use one packet of Fritz Slime Out per 25 gallons of water, and let the aquarium sit for one week before doing another water change. Repeat the treatment one more time for stubborn cases." And "Use one packet of Maracyn (which is made of an antibiotic called erythromycin) per 10 gallons of water, and let the aquarium sit for one week before doing another water change. Repeat the treatment one more time for stubborn cases."

I haven't been able to find an ingredient listing for Slime-Out, nor have I found it locally. I do have Maracyn. The BGA is mostly gone but I can see a little telltale color creeping back on some of the gravel and I'd like to kill it off. Is Slime-Out also erythromycin? If so, is it the same strength per packet as Maracyn? Can I use the Maracyn or should I order the Slime-Out? Which protocol is best? I had a rough second half of 2023 and I'm rehabbing my semi-neglected 40 breeder. Thank you!!!

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Yeah… the safety data sheet fir Slime-Out just lists it’s active ingredients as “Proprietary.” This is fairly common for Fritz Aquatics treatments.

If you keep hammering your tank with antibiotics, you’ll K.O. your beneficial bacteria colonies. Be sure you add FritzZzyme 7, or equivalent to rebuild your colonies. 

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Thanks. I haven't hit it with anything yet except water changes, manual cleaning and Easy Green. I don't want to create a worse situation; that's why I'm trying to figure out the best option in hopes of finishing off the BGA with one treatment and not disrupting anything else too much. Also I like to overthink things. 🙂

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I've used chemi-clean with success (one treatment - just follow directions to a T and add several air stones); there is really only one ingrediant for cleaning cyano so as far as i know all the treatments use the same chemical. 

If you wait a couple of weeks i'm gonig to have to treat another aquarium next week (last one was 3 or 4 years ago); and i can let you know how it goes. 

Edited by anewbie
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