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What size heater for 5 gallon?

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My 5 gallon tank has a 50 watt heater right now but it is not consistent(Amazon heater btw)though.The room temp is 68 uselly.should I get a 25 or 50 watt?Or something else.I would get the aquarium coop one but kinda big and it is a 50 watt or higher.

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I use 50 watt heaters on my 5 gallons. My house is also 68 year round. I like the ACO heaters but also have a few hygger ones that look similar.  Because they both are digital I find them easier to use. My 5 gallon tanks stay stable.  If you are noticing fluctuations of more than 1 degree it may just be time to replace your heater.  

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I also have a 50 watt heater in a 5 gallon, and it stays dead-on consistant, and even though 50 watts is overkill for a 5 gallon, it has worked very well for me. Options for heaters are more limited (like pre-set, which I wouldn't want) in the lower watages. 

I do think you have a bad heater. The 50 watt heater I have is the older Aqueon pro, turned horizontally. It doesn't look or feel to bulky in the tank. I love the coop heaters too, but I think the box-style would just feel bulky in a small 5 gallon tank.

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Personally, I keep my 5gal unheated. I've tried a 50W heater and it was just too much. It wasn't even a crappy heater, it's one of the Eheim Jagers. But with it on, the water temp shoots up to like 82°F, even when the heater's set to around 74 (and yes, the heater was "calibrated" in the way that you do with Eheims). The LED light for the tank is enough to keep the water right around 74-75°F and it only drops to ~73 at night when the light's off. My room temp sits around 69°F

So consider going heaterless if your light already does the work for you. Only go this route if you have a reliable thermometer that you can use to check the water temp throughout the day though.

Could just be that the heater I used was faulty, but they can also be bulky and take up valuable real-estate in an already small tank, so my personal choice is to let my light heat my tank. If you really want a dead-on consistent temperature (which most species don't absolutely require for general care), seek out a new device from a respected brand. Do your research in terms of reviews and ratings.

Edited by Seisage
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