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New 10 gal setup??


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So i have currently, a 55 gal goldfish tank that just made me fall so hard for the hobby! I am not new to fish keeping, ive had tanks my whole life, but ive never looked at fish the way i started to recently! So i just setup a new 10 gal and my son really wants a betta fish...now ive done some research and have seen so much content on youtube, my thoughts were to put a little group of black emperor tetras and celestial pearl danios ( 8 of each), with the betta. Any feedback would be much appreciated...i dont really wanna dedicate my second tank to just a betta...oh and i thought after the tank really cycles, i would add a group of corys and a plecko or hillstream loaches....is that to much for a 10 gal? Ive had all bigger tanks so im not to sure with that size fish and tank??

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Some bettas can be agressive to their tankmates- so start with a few then build up. A 10 gallon planted tank with a betta, 3-6 tetras or danios, and an oto catfish would be good. It's better to understock your tank than overstock.

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On 1/6/2024 at 3:17 AM, BIRD0887 said:

So i have currently, a 55 gal goldfish tank that just made me fall so hard for the hobby! I am not new to fish keeping, ive had tanks my whole life, but ive never looked at fish the way i started to recently! So i just setup a new 10 gal and my son really wants a betta fish...now ive done some research and have seen so much content on youtube, my thoughts were to put a little group of black emperor tetras and celestial pearl danios ( 8 of each), with the betta. Any feedback would be much appreciated...i dont really wanna dedicate my second tank to just a betta...oh and i thought after the tank really cycles, i would add a group of corys and a plecko or hillstream loaches....is that to much for a 10 gal? Ive had all bigger tanks so im not to sure with that size fish and tank??

@BIRD0887 Welcome aboard 😀 

On 1/6/2024 at 12:06 PM, Carson Wargo said:

Some bettas can be agressive to their tankmates- so start with a few then build up. A 10 gallon planted tank with a betta, 3-6 tetras or danios, and an oto catfish would be good. It's better to understock your tank than overstock.

@Carson Wargo Welcome aboard 😀 

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Welcome! I'd love to see pictures of your goldfish 😁

I think micro rasboras, like chili rasboras, can make good tank mates as long as your betta isn't too aggressive, because they're very peaceful and tiny enough that you can fit a decent group comfortably in a 10 gallon. But a betta's compatibility with tank mates is always going to come down to the individual's personality, so it's a good idea to have a backup plan.

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I agree that this seems like way too many fish for a 10 gallon. I'd pick one species of schooling fish and one bottom dweller (preferably not a pleco, something small like a kuhli loach or pygmy cory) and stick to those.

Also, agree with everyone else here. Every betta is different in what they will tolerate for tank mates. So it will really come down to the specific betta if he/she will be okay co-existing with others. So having a breeder box or something to quickly separate if needed is a good idea.

Edited by Miranda Marie
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There is an issue with betta community tanks. In order to have the increased success rate to keep a betta community, you should add betta the last. Otherwise it claims the space as its territory and will be unlikely to welcome any other future additions to his territory. However, there is also no guarantee for a betta community tank to work even if you stock it this way. Therefore there will be always a chance for you to fail to keep a betta in a community tank and you may have to make a choice between to either rehome all other fish, or the betta(which is your son’s fav.) or this may be another reason to setup a new tank 🤪🤣

10g is too small for plecos in my opinion. Big bioload, big size, so much poop. Hillstreams usually like cooler temps more flow and lots of areas around to graze on. Bettas prefer high temp, doesnt like flow and if looking for a long fin version, they struggle much more with any flow and objects around so a simpler design is usually better.

In a 10g, I would lean towards fish that are both small in size and that are not super active. Danios are active fish in general and emperor tetras are fairly big. I would lean towards smaller sized calm fish like embers, dwarf rasboras, etc.

10g is more suitable for pygmy/habrosus/hastatus cories imo due to their small size. However I had issues keeping pygmy cories with bettas in the past. In my very own experience, I would not suggest anyone to keep small cories with bettas anymore. 

In a 10g I would to something like:

-1 female betta or 1 plakat male betta(please search further for some color and genetic problems linked to certain looks, like dragonscales being prone to blindness, coloring up kois being more prone to tumor/cancer etc)

-10 dwarf rasbora OR ember tetras OR 10 pseudomugil maybe

- Neocaridina shrimp you like

- Nerite snail

If you would aerate the water well, you may consider one borneo sucker even tho they like it cooler, higher flow, more oxygen type of tank

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On 1/6/2024 at 11:54 AM, BIRD0887 said:

Ok so I will prly go with the danios, and a group of Cory's, but can I add the Cory's to a new tank w the other fish?

Pygmy corys are the best fit for a 10 gallon but they aren't a great fit to house with a betta. They can be skittish and shy (mine are, at least) and they prefer cooler temps and stronger flow than bettas. Same for most corys. Sterbai corys are happy at warmer temps and they're super cute! But too big for a 10 gallon, I think.

Another issue with bettas in community tanks is that they love to steal food. I recently had a betta get sick and pass away after gorging herself on cory pellets 😞

Maybe you could also set up a dedicated 5 gallon for a betta and do your small community set up in the 10 gallon? 😁

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How good are the local fish stores in your area? Some near me have bettas in with other fish in their display tanks. If you're really lucky you may be able to ask them about which individual fish seem to have a better temperament for a community tank

Would he be helping maintain the tank or just looking. Maybe he's saying he wants a betta but he hasn't seen all the variety that's it there?

Edited by Schuyler
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On 1/7/2024 at 3:52 PM, Lonkley said:

Pretty sure a betta will treat them as lunch.


I had 11 bettas till this day and none were a shrimp hunter. Babies are snack to almost every fish anyway.

But for sure there is a risk of trying. But everything is risky to try together with a betta 🤷🏼‍♂️

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