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What's on my java fern?

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This java fern is in my heavily planted shrimp tank it's a 20 long with plant lights. The plant was growing in java moss. The weird stuff on it was on other leaves, but not as bad. I removed the worst leaves and was able to rub it off the others. It came off in tiny green balls and definitely has to be algae or something because it smells very grass like.



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I suspect they might be baby sprouts, some ferns reproduces by budding. Of course this may not be the correct answer, but that was my first thought.

Edited by JoeQ
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Plant-lits are a little less likely IMO, I found forum posts about these 'cysts' with speculation ranging from bacteria to the plants response, caused by organisms feeding and damaging the leaves (you did mention you had shrimp, didn't you?).  But nothing from a reputable source so I won't share until I do.

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I don't think they are plantlets. My java ferns created a lot of little babies underneath the leaves. They look just like the adult plants almost immediately and create roots almost as quickly as leaves. Once the have some leaves and roots I pull them off the mother plant and let them float around and grow. All that is to say, I don't know what you have there,  but I don’t think they are baby plants. 

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