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neon tetra fungusy looking shcmeckldeeblah

a date with nature

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Frist I would test your water parameters ammonia nitrite nitrate pH KH GH just in case something is off Looks like the start of a snout chondroma that symptoms of neon tetra disease. It's always possible something else is going it can remain dormant for long periods of time. it's only when a period of stress weaken the immune system that you start. to see symptoms it's caused by fish dieing and getting eaten ingesting to many pleistophora for there immune system to handle. it's highly infectious no none treatment available. typically when they start to show symptoms they can go down hill in a couple of weeks what i would do is add no new fish to his tank sterilise any nets or equipment to avoid cross contamination it can infect angelfish danios barbs goldfish guppies and other species of tetra  I would air on the side of caution when it come to neon tetra disease if a fish goes down  hill rapidly I would remove it and humanely euthanize it with clove oil to prevent it getting eaten that the only way to limit it's spread I would essential keep this tank in quarantine with no new fish till the remaining fish died from this tank and it has been fully sterilised that could be a long time depending on the progression of the disease @a date with nature1000000032.png.895cd60ee0c8887e28857fe20709977d.png

Edited by Colu
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