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Guppy + Endler Wars

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Three weeks ago, I introduced some yellow endlers and fancy tiger guppies to my tank.

I had blue endlers and “sunset” guppies in the tank already.

Since I added the yellow endlers and tiger guppies, they have (I think) been quite aggressive. All of the blue endlers have been killed off, and 4 of 6 sunset guppies have been killed off.

I didn’t introduce an illness to the tank. All of the rasboras, corys, shrimp, and tetras have not been negatively impacted. They are as healthy as ever.

also, the yellow endlers and tiger guppies are all healthy.

I didn’t think guppies/endlers would kill other guppies/endlers. I have never added some fish to a tank and had all of the new ones live while the fish already in the tank die off.

Could it be the new endlers and guppies killed off the “old” guppies and endlers?

[Of note, I have never had a die off like this before. In three weeks, 13 guppies and endlers have been killed or ended up dead. I acclimated the new fish to the tank via drip method.]

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In my experience, yes I think this happens. I've tried a combination of endlers/guppies and even guppies and guppies or endlers and endlers and I've only ever kept males - and I've had similar issues. Funny part is I've never seen the actual fish murder, as I call it, this seems to happen at night, but I have seen evidence of aggression and in some cases tattered body parts (mostly tails) and unusual behavior (like that bullied fish trying to hide or not behaving normally prior to their disappearance). I do my best to separate those out when I can.

I also sometimes wonder if they die of exhaustion becausee both of these fish never quit, it's ridiculous how much energy they have. 

This scenario also morphs with males/females due to breeding aggression and ratios of m to f. 

Edited by xXInkedPhoenixX
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On 11/8/2023 at 1:13 PM, xXInkedPhoenixX said:

In my experience, yes I think this happens. I've tried a combination of endlers/guppies and even guppies and guppies or endlers and endlers and I've only ever kept males - and I've had similar issues. Funny part is I've never seen the actual fish murder, as I call it, this seems to happen at night, but I have seen evidence of aggression and in some cases tattered body parts (mostly tails) and unusual behavior (like that bullied fish trying to hide or not behaving normally prior to their disappearance). I do my best to separate those out when I can.

I also sometimes wonder if they die of exhaustion becausee both of these fish never quit, it's ridiculous how much energy they have. 

This scenario also morphs with males/females due to breeding aggression and ratios of m to f. 

I guess I learned the hard way. Money spent to kill other investments in the tank. Went from blue to yellow.

it is an all male tank. I don’t have a breeder tank, just the planted community tank.

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On 11/8/2023 at 1:47 PM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

Wow I thought this thread was going to be about who likes to keep endlers vs who thinks guppies are better, but it turns out it really was about a WAR! 😳

Sidenote: I heard guppies & endlers can mate with each other?

guppies and endler most certainly crossbreed.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 11/19/2023 at 5:36 PM, brevilo99 said:

This is happening to me right now. My male Endlers are relentlessly attacking  my 2 remaining male guppies. I had added the Endlers thinking they would be chill and get along. 

Yeah. I added six Endlers, and they killed 15 fish in my tank. They killed every guppy, and killed the blue Endlers as well.

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