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Apistograma tank capability

J. Holmes

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Hi all,

I have a 40 gallon tank I’ve had up and running about two years. It sits at 76 degrees and is planted. It has 2 hillstream loaches, 8 neon tetras, 6 plattys, full grown Amano shrimp, 2 Nerite snails. I would love to add a pair of apistogramma borellii opal. And maybe another pair or a pair of Bolivian rams (if it doesn’t overstock it). I’m not sure if these fish would all do well together or not. I also have rock based substrate for my plants and not sand (plan to eventually change that). Thanks all! 

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It sounds like a lovely tank. However if you are adding Apisto add a single male only. For Apisto to breed in a community tank it seriously stresses the female. They let nothing in their territory once they have fry. The constant battle of keeping out community fish will wear her out. 
She will attack and harm the other fish. 
Also borellii are not pair forming they are harem breeders. 




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On 11/7/2023 at 7:02 PM, Guppysnail said:

It sounds like a lovely tank. However if you are adding Apisto add male only. For Apisto to breed in a community tank it seriously stresses the female. They let nothing in their territory once they have fry. The constant battle if keeping our community fish will wear her out. 
She will attack and harm the other fish. 
Also borellii are not pair forming they are harem breeders. 


Good to know, thank you. Would two males be ok? I’ve also read where some say to have 1 male to 3/4 females. Would that be less stressful? 

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On 11/7/2023 at 7:05 PM, J. Holmes said:

Good to know, thank you. Would two males be ok? I’ve also read where some say to have 1 male to 3/4 females. Would that be less stressful? 

2 males may fight may not. Depends on the individual personality. 

No, adding a harem you will have 3-4 stressed girls and many more injured fish. 

Apisto are a fish if you want breeding groups they go in a species only tank. They do not do well in communities. 


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you so much. I definitely don’t want to stress anyone. Would the Bolivian rams be ok with two males? Or would that just mix everything too much? I know ram temperatures often differ from apistos.  I also would want all the males fighting so a 40 may not give them enough floor space

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On 11/7/2023 at 7:11 PM, J. Holmes said:


you so much. I definitely don’t want to stress anyone. Would the Bolivian rams be ok with two males? Or would that just mix everything too much? I know ram temperatures often differ from apistos.  I also would want all the males fighting so a 40 may not give them enough floor space

Bolivian rams do fabulous at lower community temperature. They are peaceful in communities. I just got my Bolivians and they are young so I cannot speak to how they do as a couple or a few males together. @xXInkedPhoenixX has a pair I think with other fish????


@Chick-In-Of-TheSea has a single who is a forum loved fish named Snoopy. You can read about in her journal. 


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Yes @Guppysnail @J. Holmes my male/female are in a 20 gallon tall with Black Neons and Harlequin Rasboras, so they don't have much "floor space" because they occupy the bottom half of the tank while the others occupy the top. Male was there first and I confirmed I had a female when adding her. I would imagine a few males MIGHT do ok in a 40 as long as you had a lot of line of sight breaks BUT personality definitely makes a difference. I've read accounts were one gets singled out and bullied to the point of starvation and stress. So you definitely have to have a backup plan. 

Edited by xXInkedPhoenixX
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On 11/8/2023 at 10:01 AM, xXInkedPhoenixX said:

Yes @Guppysnail @J. Holmes my male/female are in a 20 gallon tall with Black Neons and Harlequin Rasboras, so they don't have much "floor space" because they occupy the bottom half of the tank while the others occupy the top. Male was there first and I confirmed I had a female when adding her. I would imagine a few males MIGHT do ok in a 40 as long as you had a lot of line of sight breaks BUT personality definitely makes a difference. I've read accounts were one gets singled out and bullied to the point of starvation and stress. So you definitely have to have a backup plan. 

Do you think one male apisto and one male Bolivian would do ok? I’ve got two male Bolivians in my 20 gallon long and they do well together. They both claimed one half of the tank.

My 40 gallon has lots of tall plants, spider wood in the center covered in Java fern, and a cave in the other corner. Would that be enough breaks for a male Bolivian and a male apisto? Or just stick to one species? 

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I've never kept Apistos, but I do know they might have different water parameter needs- if the ones you choose do not (as Bolivians seem far less finicky so that shouldn't be an issue) I would say 1 male Apisto and 1 Bolivian male theoretically is fine- why because if the Apisto had a female there would be issues with other fish- without a breeding partner to get aggro about then the tank would probably be peaceful, and vice versa for the Bolivian. Again this can be dependent on personality because at times this can be a problem- but I would try it. 

I'm currently in a "wait and see" holding pattern for if my male/female start breeding. I'm wondering if my male will get more aggro with the community fish or not. He already kind of just keeps them clear of the bottom of the tank most of the time. 

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