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advice on fish eggs + methylene blue


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I have been doing some research on breeding corydoras and CPD. I have seen lot of folks use methylene blue for their batch of eggs.

Is that required? For the white clouds that I breed, I don't use methylene blue, usually they just do fine being left alone. I take out the adults and leave the eggs in a breeding tank.

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Depends on the type of eggs for me.  I don't use methylene blue anyways, I just use ich ex.  For small containers or jars with eggs in them, I take a toothpick and stick it in my ich ex and swish that around in my jar water and that does the trick.  Both are anti fungal and ich ex works for me

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On 10/20/2023 at 9:48 AM, Potaqua said:


I have been doing some research on breeding corydoras and CPD. I have seen lot of folks use methylene blue for their batch of eggs.

Is that required? For the white clouds that I breed, I don't use methylene blue, usually they just do fine being left alone. I take out the adults and leave the eggs in a breeding tank.

All of these approaches assume a dedicated hatching tray or container. 

1. Air flow. Always keep an air-stone near for any of the following.

2. Catappa leaves. Lowers pH and breakdown supports micro life. Some anti fungal benefits. I do not use with #4, but occasionally with #3.

3. H2O2 — over-the-counter Hydrogen Peroxide 3% solution. Use 1-ml in hatching container every 12 hrs for 3x doses. I do not use with #4.

4. Methylene Blue - 1 ml for an initial dose. I tend to just dose _once_

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  • 3 weeks later...

Update Yall 😅

So the eggs in the breeder box keep fungusing over. I been keeping eye on them removing any of them that are looking fizzy. I have another container that has methylene blue, which is more successful, but I have to do more work removing babies that hatch into a different container. Atm I have just 2 that successful hatch, but are taking a LONG time to get to free swimming. Their still laying down and rolling. Sometimes I think this are dead but once I move the container, they start wiggling. I don't how it takes for CPD to be free swimming.

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@Potaqua For my CPD it takes about a week before they cling to the walls with short jumps to swim. They stay still longer than other new hatch fry. They actually need to eat before they swim. 

Do you have an airstone in the hatch container? These need water movement in order to not fungus. It also stimulates fry to move and keeps fungus off the wigglers until they can move about. 

I have the best success with these just putting the eggs in the grow out tank with a seasoned sponge filter.  From the time these hatch they stay still and after a few days to a week scoot to cling to the corners and edge of the tank  


Then they jump slowly and make their way up the wall  when I feed I dissolve some sera micron in the water  eventually they launch away from the wall and mill about the tank  

These are robust swimmers immediately once they free swim unlike other fry I’ve I have worked with.  This makes them easy because I do not need to deal with a hatch cup and constant water changes in the cup 

Somewhere in my journal I think between pages 7-12 I show how I hatch and raise them start to finish  


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Thanks for the information! I do have a airstone in my hatch containers, they are set on low.

Turns our that the one of the baby CPD started to free swim. The other one unfortunately die, but it's a learning experience. I decide to increase the dose of methylene blue in the hatch containers. I think I didn't add enough. Crossing my fingers it will work. 

I'm gonna try your method of 
just putting the eggs in the grow out tank with a seasoned sponge filter. I do that with my White Cloud minnows, but I wasn't sure if it was gonna work the the CPDs.

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