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Fry is still alive, so yay


Now who is volunteering at helping me decide what to do with the darios, if to catch few and move away. I assumed I will be able to tell by behavior and I was wrong.

It has been a month that they have been in the tank, and the behavior is consistently the same. Two hang out under the floating plants, these fish are lightly colored, one has bands, one doesnt.

Three are hanging out in the right corner, right middle, left corner. Those three will chase each other but stop and posture, chase the pale banded one, not chase the pale one.

I assume the pale banded one is a submissive male the other pale one may be a female.


How long should I wait to be sure and when to remove the fish that is getting bullied the most? I would hate for any of them to sustain injuries or suffer due to my neglect. Any tips appreciated. 

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On 3/15/2024 at 4:40 AM, Ninjoma said:

I like this tank a lot. Is that a giant anubias in the middle!? How long did it take to grow that thing?

I have since cut it into several other pieces. All anubias in all my tanks come from one that I had 12 years ago and I just plant them, bathe them in bleach sometimes, cut them and they do that. It was sold as a nana variant, though I do not really believe that, some leaves are large as a hand..

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On 11/9/2023 at 4:26 AM, beastie said:

Indostomus picture dump. They are almost impossible to properly focus on. Plants are in the way too 🙂 Next time, bare tank












WHAT is this fish?!?!?! I MUST have it....lol. I've never seen anything like it before. This is one of the coolest looking fish I've ever seen! Is it in the Whiptail Catfish family?

Edited by Jeff
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On 3/15/2024 at 12:13 PM, Jeff said:

WHAT is this fish?!?!?! I MUST have it....lol. I've never seen anything like it before. This is one of the coolest looking fish I've ever seen! Is it in the Whiptail Catfish family?

No, it is in a seahorse/pipefish family 🙂 also they are super small, look at the picture next to a regular red cherry shrimp.

I have had them for a year now, and they are interesting but sort of very specific. Live food required, and not even all of them ( mosquitoes are a no go)

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On 3/15/2024 at 7:20 AM, beastie said:

No, it is in a seahorse/pipefish family 🙂 also they are super small, look at the picture next to a regular red cherry shrimp.

I have had them for a year now, and they are interesting but sort of very specific. Live food required, and not even all of them ( mosquitoes are a no go)

What's it called?

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On 3/14/2024 at 11:57 PM, beastie said:

I have since cut it into several other pieces. All anubias in all my tanks come from one that I had 12 years ago and I just plant them, bathe them in bleach sometimes, cut them and they do that. It was sold as a nana variant, though I do not really believe that, some leaves are large as a hand..

That's rad. I'm glad it didn't catch anubias rot.

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Because  I suffered an unexplained loss of most cryptocoryne leaves in the clown killifish tank on two out of three plants there and basically overnight, I had to make a quick/rash decision.

Popis není dostupný.

The crypts were most of the tank visual barriers and without those I feared the darios would not be doing ok, so I caught the pale striped one and one of the colored males and moved them to the cube with my remaining (four?) pygmy corydoras and least rasboras. The footprint is 40x40cm, so two should be ok there, tunnel, coconut, large plants...

I had to reduce the temp a bit and did a cold water bucket change to not have such a huge temp difference, since dario tank is 22, this was 25, after the change 23

I saw a pygmy swim up to the dario to say hello 🙂 

Wil monitor closely, ofcourse, and I know I lost any chance of the rasboras breeding naturally, but it was always a small chance. I hope the remaining three in the clown killifish tank will have much easier time

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All the crypts melted, the tank is very strange now. I put fertilizing tabs under the roots and will wait. The three darios work ok, the two new in the cube still do a lot of chasing, the male will chase pygmy cories or rasboras away, especially from his food, but no damages.


I lost a sewellia. No reason, was active, was feeding and suddenly dead. It was the female purchased in June last year. Ah well. I hope the remaining one will do ok, and I am never trying them again. I even have no idea what to replace them with, if anything. The garras are ok and fun, the minnows are doing ok and there is so many shrimp I cant even put anything in, they go on my hands, to all the plants, during the water change it is so hard !!! 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think it is a time for a change


The indostomus are with me for over a year now. I know when I moved them last June, there were 8, as I managed to count all of them when moving their bamboo tubes, easiest fish to catch ever. I know I lost one a month ago, and I know I have two for sure, cause I keep seeing two fish. However not more. I keep feeding like there are fish int here, which creates an algae, and with the removal of shrimp, noone cleans up. The tank looks empty all the time and having the fish did not result in them breeding, removing the shrimp didnt result in breeding, so I am done trying to breed them. I want to add something to the tank to liven it up.

I have two options:

move a pair of clown killifish (and get a lid) from my other tank, or get least killifish (Heterandria formosa), have a trio perhaps, two pairs, something like that. People here keep them in small volume without issues, should have their own breeding cap. Or I could move my last remaining endler male in here

Not sure yet, advice much appreciated!


spot the fish



The darios work so far, trio is not having issues, I saw only two for a long time but during feeding the third popped up. Also issue with algae, because darios are slow eaters and force me to overfeed, also crypt melt. I am not as in love with the dario as lets say the clown killifish. Maybe I was too excited, or maybe I have a spring gloom, not sure. I mean it is nice, all works, the colors, but... The spawning mop is there for some day, to collect clown killifish eggs, once the luminatus fry grows up and moves from the cube


behold the "crypts"



Speaking of the fry in the box, it is doing ok, growing steadily. Will wait some more before moving it to parents tank. No picture because... tiny 🙂 


So what do you think?

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On 3/26/2024 at 3:57 PM, beastie said:

Basil is doing fine btw. I still have not eat it, but it is doing ok. I also planted a bit of a cilantro, but I doubt it will do half as good


Fish poop aroma pesto pasta when?

I hope I'm invited for the special dinner bud

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On 4/4/2024 at 9:45 AM, beastie said:

I think it is a time for a change


The indostomus are with me for over a year now. I know when I moved them last June, there were 8, as I managed to count all of them when moving their bamboo tubes, easiest fish to catch ever. I know I lost one a month ago, and I know I have two for sure, cause I keep seeing two fish. However not more. I keep feeding like there are fish int here, which creates an algae, and with the removal of shrimp, noone cleans up. The tank looks empty all the time and having the fish did not result in them breeding, removing the shrimp didnt result in breeding, so I am done trying to breed them. I want to add something to the tank to liven it up.

I have two options:

move a pair of clown killifish (and get a lid) from my other tank, or get least killifish (Heterandria formosa), have a trio perhaps, two pairs, something like that. People here keep them in small volume without issues, should have their own breeding cap. Or I could move my last remaining endler male in here

Not sure yet, advice much appreciated!


spot the fish



The darios work so far, trio is not having issues, I saw only two for a long time but during feeding the third popped up. Also issue with algae, because darios are slow eaters and force me to overfeed, also crypt melt. I am not as in love with the dario as lets say the clown killifish. Maybe I was too excited, or maybe I have a spring gloom, not sure. I mean it is nice, all works, the colors, but... The spawning mop is there for some day, to collect clown killifish eggs, once the luminatus fry grows up and moves from the cube


behold the "crypts"



Speaking of the fry in the box, it is doing ok, growing steadily. Will wait some more before moving it to parents tank. No picture because... tiny 🙂 


So what do you think?

Move the clown killis because @Guppysnail can vouch for least killis breeding like CRAZY... apart from that I think they look cool. 😎 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I may have to move this summer ,so I am not going to be buying any new fish, because i will most likely even have to downsize.

I moved the spawning mop from the clown killifish tank to the 25 liter with the indostomus. I am unusre if there are eggs, but I dont care at this moment. Will see

We had a nice weather and then sudden temp drop, not fun. But I collected some nettles, fed today to the shrimps in asian tank, otocinclus and the tylomelania tank.

The pseudomugil fry in the box survived my long weekend away, the fry I saw last time in the main tank, I cant find anymore. Weird.


Anyways, I was at this place, called a public aquarium, the owner does a lot of ecosystem talks, young kids and fish talks, but what he focuses most on is father fish method and weirdly specific ways of having a tank, and for him it works. He has like 100 tanks, most single species, loads of them large. His focus is a branch of cichlids, for us they share a common czech name, in english/latin it is a variety, I know I saw a midas cichlid, elliots cichlid, blue eye cichla, heros. He had one last 14 year old pirhanna and I never seen such colors. He had many old fish, an emperor tetra, visibly blind and not well, 10 years old. Several tetras, worse for wear but ignored by the rest of their shoals, around 9 years. He also had an amazing pair of oscars and plant eating piranhas there, a sucker of like 60 cm length and a mouth that would eat a baby 🙂

His methods are not what I would do, he doesnt do water changes, he has filters only in some of the tanks, he has so much plants it is hard to see the other side of the tank, he has colonies of some sponge things that start of on the surface, then fall down to the substrate where they create a mulm and so much algae, like a small african dwarf frog tank, filled half with hair algae 😉 or even cyanobacteria, he says it comes, cleans glass, is gone in few months. He had so many babies in these tanks, including red neons, including emperor tetras, colombian tetras ( those should be called pirhanas), he had many variants of the Phenacogrammus not just the congo tetra. Was an experience  for sure.

I loved the most a special tank he had with Cutter's Cichlid, it was wide and long but shallow and he had two males, lots of females including a grandma of the line and so many youngsters under one year. No plants, LOADS of mulm on the sand and the tank was hit with a sunlight beam and oh my, the fish behavior was amazing and there was zero aggression and the fish looked amazing. Oh and he even had Yunnanilus cruciatus which I havent seen in europe and I love them. And he had the choprae danios too, love the colors on those guys.

I will use some pictures from his fb page, since there was no photography allowed, but I spent over 2 hours there.

Really massive oscars

Není k dispozici žádný popis fotky.

the last pirhana Pygocentrus nattereri ( they have the other 13 in a  freezer for a taxidermist, as they are not shown in these colors anywhere else except the amazonia)

Není k dispozici žádný popis fotky.

the cutters cichlids, too bad he doesnt have the full tank picture

Není k dispozici žádný popis fotky.

this was one of the old old old fish 

Není k dispozici žádný popis fotky.

and few of the tanks

Není k dispozici žádný popis fotky.


It was a wicked experience, I chatted with him about corydoras, he said a perfect tank for them would be a long wide shallow sand filled dunes with a flow 🙂 I am so tempted to do a long shallow wide one, maybe if/when we move

He also knows personally Heiko Bleher and some other fish famous people that I know only because the fish are named after them.

My tanks now look too clean and too empty 😄 


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So, luminatus fry has been in the box since 11th of March. It is growing slowly, I feed it once or twice a day, microworms, bbs, hikari first bites. It is like 3-4 mm I would say

However, next week I am going to be away for 4 days. Does the fry have higher chances of finding food in the box, or in the tank with adults, who should be not able to eat it, as it may be large enough?





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Sad news, I found not one but two dead indostomus, stuck inside a filter tube. The very same not changed filter that was there for a year... I dont understand


The tank is empty, there may or may not be 5 more indostomus in there. I moved a pair of annulatus in, as I cant watch the emptiness anymore. Super annoying, but hey, I guess not all projects are supposed to end successfully... This will be one of the tanks I will reduce if we move which is sad since I like the setup, and it is the newest tank, but it is the smallest volume. Will see

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I did a bunch of new pictures of the tank and most came out...horrible 🙂 guess I didnt clear the lense or smth


"big tank"




smudged b-ram



Asian tank ,the maintenance was pain. Not one but two fish got into the hose between me running to turn the water on/off, so had to scoop them out of the output strainer and return back to the tank. One fish swam into the gravel vac cleaner, had to stop suction and restart it, and then I did a big big big scoop of salvinia out, as it was full surface, and guess what. Two more fish in the salvinia pile

I wonder how many shrimp I took out, am trying to figure out how to determine that and save them, if needed





and the scooped out salvinia




The no longer indostomus tank



The horrible after crypts melt dario/annulatus tank



side view



And a completely meh picture of the cube tank, I put the bbs hatchery there instead of the big tank due to maintenace, I think I scared all the fish, as they huddled somewhere in the background and could not be seen


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Today was the day. After heavy feeding live bbs both the fry and the parents tank, I moved the fry to the parents tank. It is about 1/4 of the adult size, and it integrated beautifully

It is now swimming alongside the others, so yay


Good news, everyone survived my vacation (including me, given we managed to catch the worse possible weather which included snow, at the end of April). I am hoping the eggs I collected last week will hatch out in the bucket in the next few weeks and I will keep the cube for pseudomugil fry

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I made a quick feeding video, darios in the clown killifish tank. Slow eaters. Looking at them now, I think my largest ember tetras are about as large as the darios. Strange


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  • 3 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Not much to say. I am doing regular maintenace but not changing anything on any of the tanks

I have adopted two guppy females and a male, I am adding them after a short quarantine, due to weather drop, I dont have an extra heater and the quarantine is 17 degrees, while the main tank is 25. I did a massive water change and slowly acclimating both the guppies and the corydoras paleatus female

Nothing new, good or bad or otherwise


Funny story, temp acclimating guppies I put a large box into the closest tank, and in few minutes, I find pseudomugil luminatus in the box. It was not an easy jump either!!




same container, look at the size !!!



Edited by beastie
added picture of the paleatus
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