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Hello from colorado

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Hey all, first time forum user, long time coop buyer!! I'm Paul from thornton colorado. 

Currently running a planted 40 breeder with some Cory's, red serpae tetras, Scissortail rasboras, a pair of blue flame dwarf gouramis and a raphael cat(for now).

There's also a 55gal brackish tank that's housing Cheeto, cheeto is a beautiful ceylon puffer I adopted from the father in law(who has all sorts of cool tanks and fish). Cheeto decided to go on a killing rampage of the very large monos he was in a tank with one day so I brought him in to give brackish a try. 

Looking to setup an awkward 55gal tall tank I just acquired, not sure what my plans are for that yet,  and there's also a 125gal that will more than likely be a grow out tank of sorts once we move! Oh and there is a 3.5 gal on the kitchen counter with a very long fin betta that is the laziest fish I've ever seen! He was in my 10gal med tank for awhile and just didn't do great,  moved him into the 3.5 and he started living his best betta life. 





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Hey! Welcome! I’m Vicki, a floundering newbie with two tanks that are finally (knock on wood) both keeping fish alive and (mostly) growing the plants I put in them. It’s nice to meet another Denver area coop member! I’m in Aurora, so we’re not too far apart. I will say that my tanks are nowhere as pretty as yours, and neither are looking the way I want them to right now - so no pictures. We’ll get there, though.  

Anyway, it’s great to have you in the forum. You’ll find it’s a great group!

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