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Is it likely that honey Gouramis would eat Amano shrimp? Are Amano shrimp nocturnal or very shy? I added a pair of honey Gouramis and four Amano shrimp to my planted community tank two days ago; the shrimp went right to work on some algae and all seemed well. Yesterday I was able to spot just one, today none so far. I have been accused of having an obsession, as I have spent so much time trying to spot them. 😉There are places for them to hide, and they are quite small, so...

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Check the floor and stand around the outside of your tank. Amanos are pretty decent escape artists especially when they are exploring a new environment. I'm not saying they will escape, but they certainly can. They climb very well and their legs can support them out of water.

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Yikes! Well, if that happened then it’s likely that Kitty had a nice snack, but the way the lid fits I can’t see that happening. Tonight before I turn in I’ll try the flashlight trick. I had forgotten that our kids used to go shrimping in Friday Harbor at night with flashlights.😉

Thanks for the reply!

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