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New neon tetras that are faded in color and not acting like the others


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I bought 5 neon tetras for my 10 gallon tank yesterday. 3 of the 5 are acting normal with good colors while 2 of them are very pale and not interacting with the others. The one in the video is my biggest concern right now. I am afraid it is neon tetra disease but I’m not sure. Any advice for what to do moving forward is greatly appreciated!IMG_7284.gif.b1830a33cab7e3b1ba4cbd8a2f5b7177.gifIMG_7285.png.7462cb00f4bdad2411b0cd0202657022.png

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Congratulations on your new friends. I’m sorry a few are struggling. He may just be having a harder time acclimating. If it were me I would not hit the panic button yet. I do see he is faded and actually looks more pale than faded, but I see none of the deformations that go with NTD. Keep watching him and see if he perks up over the next few days. Neon tetras in my experience are very sensitive to fluctuations in parameters so they sometimes take a bit to readjust in a new home. Good luck and keep us posted. 

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Can you please share all of your water parameters as well as temperature?

I would suggest for right now, feeding a good quality powder sized food (or crush something to powder) to try to feed them.  Getting them some nutrition, making sure water quality is great, all of those things should help boost their immune response to acclimation.

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