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HOB Filter vs Glass Lilly pipes. Planted tank light recommendations

Allie Girl

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What’s your preference on either filter and what’s your favorite type/brand ? 
what’s the pros & cons 

if you were to start up a new tank what would be your go too for filters and medium full spectrum lights? 

Right now I have a planted 6.7 gallon rimless heavily planted beta fish tank with 3 kuhli loaches, the tank is about 3 years old.  
I had a aqua clear HOB filter for almost the life of the aquarium until it decided to break/stop working so I just popped on my frugal tidal HOB filter I had in my closet as a back up for the aqua clear. I have 4 types of filter sponges and 2 types of filter media in it with a pothos plant.

As of last week I decided to buy a UNS Rimless ultra clear 45U (9 gallon) with a UNS 45U stand. So now I'm shopping around for new  upgraded filters and lights. I will be planning on having carpeting plants with no CO2. I do like the options for being able to customize the filtration  sponges/pads and filter media. 

aside from the glass Lilly pipes being a flawless edition to a rimless tank I want to know what I’m signing up for when I get them, cleaning looks a little rough lol. Also has anyone used the metal pipes? What’s your opinion on those as well? 

side note: for lights I’m looking at a chihiros a2 max. Opinions? 


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On 8/18/2023 at 6:09 PM, Allie Girl said:

side note: for lights I’m looking at a chihiros a2 max. Opinions? 

ADA has some new lights being released with an app you might be interested in as well, just a note.

Filtration is tough because it's difficult to say what would work for the size of the tank.  I wonder if/what filtration UNS has designed for that specific tank in question.


Edited by nabokovfan87
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On 8/18/2023 at 8:09 PM, Allie Girl said:

What’s your preference on either filter and what’s your favorite type/brand ? 
what’s the pros & cons 

if you were to start up a new tank what would be your go too for filters and medium full spectrum lights? 

Right now I have a planted 6.7 gallon rimless heavily planted beta fish tank with 3 kuhli loaches, the tank is about 3 years old.  
I had a aqua clear HOB filter for almost the life of the aquarium until it decided to break/stop working so I just popped on my frugal tidal HOB filter I had in my closet as a back up for the aqua clear. I have 4 types of filter sponges and 2 types of filter media in it with a pothos plant.

As of last week I decided to buy a UNS Rimless ultra clear 45U (9 gallon) with a UNS 45U stand. So now I'm shopping around for new  upgraded filters and lights. I will be planning on having carpeting plants with no CO2. I do like the options for being able to customize the filtration  sponges/pads and filter media. 

aside from the glass Lilly pipes being a flawless edition to a rimless tank I want to know what I’m signing up for when I get them, cleaning looks a little rough lol. Also has anyone used the metal pipes? What’s your opinion on those as well? 

side note: for lights I’m looking at a chihiros a2 max. Opinions? 


I have been looking at the Oase internal filters for a 10 gal and 6 gallon I’m looking to set up that will have a low bio load.  They are pretty small and I’m planning to hide behind some hardscape.  I haven’t used before but thought I’d pass along.

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There is also the Sicce Shark ADV (and PRO) internal filter.  However, for a 9 gallon tank, an internal filter (including a sponge filter) might take up valuable real estate.  A HOB with the pump inside the tank might be the best option (Tetra Whisper EX/IQ, Marineland Penguin PRO, Tidal, Marina).  For HOB filters, I would avoid those with pumps outside the tank.  You can search on here for all the trouble folks have with the Aqua Clears.  They works well for some people, but other folks have problems.

For fun, here's how ChatGPT would re-write the above:

Additionally, we have the Sicce Shark ADV (and PRO) internal filter as another viable choice. Nevertheless, when considering a 9-gallon tank, it's important to note that an internal filter, including a sponge filter, could occupy valuable space. In this scenario, opting for a Hang-On-Back (HOB) filter with an internal pump might prove to be the optimal solution. Noteworthy options include the Tetra Whisper EX/IQ, Marineland Penguin PRO, Tidal, and Marina filters. When selecting HOB filters, it's advisable to steer clear of those with external pumps. A cautionary search on this platform will reveal the challenges that some individuals encounter with Aqua Clears. While they work effectively for some, others have reported issues.

AI writes way better than I do. 😅

Although "additionally" and "another" in that first sentence seems redundant...

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Yeah, I canister filter is an option.  However, I would go with one where the canister is easily detachable.  It looks like the FiltoSmart 60 might need the addition of quick disconnects, where as the 100+ versions have built in host disconnects: https://us.oase-livingwater.com/filtosmart

Here's an example of a quick disconnect: 



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For HOB, Tidal is best in class (IMO). It's self priming, has a sicce pump, and skims. I wouldn't worry about a canister or media types, as you're not going to max out any filtration with a 9g tank. A simple sponge cut to fit will be fine.

As for lighting, it doesn't really matter without Co2. Don't believe that adding more par is going to result in more growth. Just look for something with a plant spectrum. Kelvin, lumens, and wattage mean absolutely nothing. I would put the $30est 12" light on the tank, and that should get you close.

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On 8/20/2023 at 2:32 AM, Pepere said:

My experience and opinion of the tidal series is dramatically different…

In my experience the skimmer functions as a marketing ploy and nothing else. 

The basket has huge built in bypasses that bypasses the bottom sponge prefilter every day it is used.  If water bypasses the prefilter sponge thT sponge isnt doing much prefiltering. 

Even using supplied media, the filter clogs to the point it is bypassing by going into overflow over the basket top and activating the bypass indicator within days of putting in to service.

In my mind it was a colossal waste of money….

Tidal 35, $41.00 at Amazon,  Oase Filtosmart, 60, 65.00 at Amazon…

I will readily admit, the filtering needs of a 9 gallon are not much.. An air driven sponge filter would easily meet the biological filtration needs.


All filters have pros and cons. HOB's provide the worst filtration next to air driven sponge filters. That's just an issue you're going to have to deal with, if you chose to run one.

I also said in my original post to use a cut to fit sponge. See?

On 8/19/2023 at 9:50 PM, RennjiDK said:

A simple sponge cut to fit will be fine.

This takes care of the bypass issue, once the basket is removed.

For the record, I like having a surface skimmer. It removes a lot of biological waste that would otherwise build on the surface and form a protein film.

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On 8/20/2023 at 2:32 AM, Pepere said:

Tidal 35, $41.00 at Amazon,  Oase Filtosmart, 60, 65.00 at Amazon…

For $15 more, I would get the Oase. The Tidal becomes more viable on the larger models ie: the Tidal 75 is the same price as the Oase. 

The problem with the surface skimmer on the Tidal 75 I own, the skimmer intake is located right next to the water discharge ramp. So the vast majority of water headed for the skimmer is just pushed away. So it kind of works.

But compared to my overflow box (sump filter) on the 75 gallon tank, I need to use a feeding ring as floating food is quickly sucked into the filter. 


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  • 4 months later...

Hi! Sorry for such a lapse is replying. I got busy with life! Still haven’t completely found a filter however I did choose to get the WRGB SLIM II and bought the hanging stuff to suspend it above the tank. My tank will be surrounded my house plants near my plant area so they’ll enjoy the extra lighting as well. I plan on literally just running it at 25% intensity from what I was reading what others do. And it also gives me a chance to use it when I plan on upgrading again in a couple years. As for filtration I have pretty much narrowed it down to 

Fluval Canister 107 

Oase 60 or 100 

Eheim 2211 or 2213 


really leaning on the fluval canister for the reasoning of easiness in cleaning/maintenance

now I’m currently researching either 13 or 17mm glass lilys! Don’t know which size will look good yet. Still researching  

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On my 9 gal UNS I have a Fluval Plant Nano, and just use a sponge filter - to Co-op Nano sponge filter with a polishing pad wedged behind it. Crystal clear water, and the plants will eventually cover it. 

I saw on one of MD Fish Tanks' videos that he found and used a super small canister, but I forget the name/brand. If it's for another Betta tank you might not want that much flow. 

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On 1/5/2024 at 1:34 PM, Allie Girl said:

Fluval Canister 107

Not sure what size your tank is, but I have a 107 on my 29 gallon and I really like it. I also have a medium sponge filter with an easy flow kit, and the both of them work together to create a nice flow across the tank. 

I could’ve gone with a 207 on my 29, but I really didn’t think it was necessary. For what I need, the 107 is perfectly suitable. 

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I think the Fluval 107 is a nice filter.  However, the Oase 60 has about 1/2 the flow and might be a better fit for a 9 gallon (although it doesn't seem to have the quick disconnect like some of the larger cannisters).


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So I was looking at the oase 60 but I want to put the canister under my UNS cabinet and some reviews said that it does have trouble with the input and output and freestanding when the tubing is too far from the inlet and outlet. As in because the tubing is so stiff it’ll sometimes tilt and then if the canister is too far from the tank the flow is very reduced and doesn’t filtrate to its capacity. Let me know what ya think. 

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On 8/18/2023 at 9:09 PM, Allie Girl said:

what’s your favorite type/brand

Well, I really like a stainless-steel canister filter, I have two Fzone cans a15L and a 10L and the best thing about a large open round filter is being able to load how and what you want to use. (Fzone no longer sells these filters for some reason.)

I did try a Fluval 107 and a 207 but didn't like the trays or cleaning them. (I will never use a canister filter with trays again.)

Landen now makes stainless steel cans of different sizes, but they are expensive. (Way overpriced Imo.) (Amazon.)

Stainless steel will last forever, but a plastic canister will break at some point. 

Good luck.


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On 1/5/2024 at 10:33 PM, Allie Girl said:

So I was looking at the oase 60 but I want to put the canister under my UNS cabinet and some reviews said that it does have trouble with the input and output and freestanding when the tubing is too far from the inlet and outlet. As in because the tubing is so stiff it’ll sometimes tilt and then if the canister is too far from the tank the flow is very reduced and doesn’t filtrate to its capacity. Let me know what ya think. 

Yes, the Oase 60 seems like it is designed to either sit next to the tank, or hang on the tank.  In addition, it looks like it doesn't have any quick disconnect ability.  From the reviews, it looks like you have to take the entire thing (including piping) off of the tank.

For something under the tank, the Fluval 107 seems like a great idea.

I did a search for "low flow" cannister filters, but couldn't find anything less powerful that would also be as convenient at the 107.


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