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I've gotten back to school and working on the School tank in the past few days. It was pretty bad. While the pothos growing from the top and submerged Java moss were thriving, all the guppy grass was dead and there were several dead fish, no shrimp, and mulm everywhere. Upon checking the autofeeder I discovered it had died at some point (kinda my fault, assuming it would just work straight for 3 months was a mistake on my part), which most likely contributed to the loss of the fish, shrimp and plants. My best theory is the fish got hungry and hunted down the shrimp, and the Pothos blatantly out competed the guppy grass. As such there is some news now regarding this tank.

The school tank is coming down. The biggest reason is that last year i was in the lab 4/7 days every week and this year I have no reason to ever be in the room, moving the tank is just not a feasible option. Because of this I'm not seeing the tank and I no longer believe I can properly take care of the fish, I talked to the Bio teacher and she agrees that if the fish cannot get proper care we do not need to have a tank setup.

So I did a water change at lunch today and removed all the livestock, a few endlers'(mostly female) and a nerite snail. They have come home with me where i can take care of them better. The endlers' are very washed out so I am putting them in the 5 gallon for quarantine, i'm hoping that as long as i feed them well they should not hurt my shrimp colony. The nerite snail will be put in the big tank to be a friend for my mystery snail.

Also to me personally $5 for a snail seems absurd, I've had fun experiences, but at the end of the day paying $5 for a snail just seems fundamentally wrong in my mind. To make it worse now somebody that I know (teacher at the school who has some tanks of his own) had mystery snails breeding and now he has babies he wants to get rid of. If only I had waited a few weeks 😫, but I still might take him up on his offer because mystery snails are fun.

Tank lights just turned off so I don't have any pictures but i will gave an Endler update in the morning with some pictures.

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Did  a water change and BBS feeding this morning, I trimmed back the guppy grass mass and scraped off algae growing on my lid and there is a lot more light in the tank now, which makes it easier to see the fish (especially Garra Guy, dark fish on a dark substrate can disappear in dark lighting...)


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