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Betta fins


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Hello I got my beta almost a year and half ago when I first got them his fins under his belly were small and wide and his other fins were always open and didn’t  have scrunches at the ends but now the fins under his belly at long and really thin and white and the other fins got a little bigger and he never opens them and they have tiny spikes or scrunches I used to feed him dry pallets before and in may I found out feeding bettas dry pallets can give them swim bladder so I started feeding him pallets that’s been soaked and not only is it harder to feed him but his fins have been changing day by day and today I really notice his fins has tiny spikes and scrunches at the ends and the ones under his belly have tiny holes I don’t know if it’s because of the soaked pallets or something else I don’t know if I’m under feeding himimage.jpg.e581bec1cec53db69905eb8e7547fd82.jpgthat’s beforeimage.jpg.ed7f560c84bf7bfe0eee48a2d1d76b05.jpgthat’s after and my camera makes his color more bright but it’s not really like not it’s a lot darker 

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It looks to me like his fins are getting too big for him, making swimming more difficult. The tiny spikes and scrunches on the ends are just the fins getting really long and folding over itself. The white on the tips of the fin is new fin growth. The holes on the fins could be from dragging the fins on the gravel or decorations, but i don't really see them in the photo. If they're really small, and you see them heal/go away then it's not much of a concern. 
Try giving your betta some places to rest that are mid way and up the tank to give him places to rest on. Pet stores sell plastic leaf beds and floating betta logs that do this. Even better would be a live anubias plant.

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I have a live Anubias plant in the tank but I don’t know what’s wrong with it and with my Java fern the Java fern grew a lot and so get the anubias grow b it they both look like they are dieing I think it’s because of the brown algae I read that brown algae can suffocate plants): and I also has a leaf bed and he loved it but it fell off of the glass so I took it out and it smelled really bad so I washed it with hot water and left it in hot water and then vinegar water then declorinated water and then the smelled kinda went away but I didn’t know if it was safe to put back in the tank so I just didn’t wanna risk it as I put it away I still have it but idk and here’s a picture from when I first got him74BFA39C-843F-4680-B87D-EA909D99A43F.jpeg.3ffe8753d083ae01b2082c0ee8e42d17.jpeg6B7270E5-274B-4CF7-AD25-B34EAFD74D76.jpeg.b45fdae6da0656e5f6b549a787dc7d36.jpeg

So am I under feeding him?

Oh and here’s a picture of the plant it was taken not to long ago but I did remove it from the gravel because I read it wasn’t really good to have in the gravel that’s when it started to grow3F12E957-52A9-465F-85D1-13A5220011F7.jpeg.29cdeabd4095bb71e56eb6b89d2be595.jpegED450840-ED29-4877-BD82-497F7E5CDA19.jpeg.e30418a7b5ac3e3d261310f77b12719a.jpeg

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I can't tell if he's underweight from the side, but if you're feeding 5-10 pellets a day (how much to feed depends on the food) then he should be fine. Its okay to feed them every other day, every 2 days even. They can go a week without eating. He doesn't look unhealthy, if he was being underfed his colors wouldn't be as vibrant.

Anubias is a rhizome plant, you'll want to keep it above the gravel and just let it sit on top without burying the roots. Burying the roots will make them rot and kill the plant. The plant should come back to better health if you do that. It doesn't look too bad! Java fern is the same, you don't want to bury its roots.

Using vinegar to sanitize fish stuff is safe! Espically since you rinsed it with dechlorinated water, it's okay to even rinse it with regular tap. Just let it dry before you put it back in the tank 🙂

Is Betta fish not eating or is really sluggish? The fins look normal to me for a veiltail Betta.

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On 8/13/2023 at 9:17 PM, Helpwithmy_snailpls said:

I was walking around the kitchen which is where my tank is and I notice my Java fern has black and brown leaves and I don’t use any fertilizer because I don’t trust any of them bc they said that it kills fish so I was just sarced and hoped the plants could survive but I don’t think so so what do I do

Fertilizer doesn't kill fish as long as you follow the instructions, and put the right dose. I've used a couple different brands on my own Betta and he's still doing fine. Definitely try getting a fertilizer for your plant, it'll fix the brown leaves. It could be black/brown too if the roots are buried. 

4 Pellets a day is good, I think your little guy is doing fine! His colors are really bright even in the dark photos. Just make sure you don't have any sharp decorations if you're worried about fin damage. If you run your finger on the decoration and it feels sharp or very coarse, it's best not to have it in the tank.

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Yea it was a lot more above the waterline I tried to push it down but the gravel was in the way so I only got to push it down a little

On 8/17/2023 at 11:45 PM, JE47 said:

I personally use Growth Juice from Dustin's fishtanks but I have used Seachem Flourish and Aquarium Co-op's Easy Green. All of the fertilizers work in my opinion but I would probably recommend either Aquarium Co-op's stuff or Dustin's.

I really wanted to use easy green because it seems easy with the pump but they don’t sell it anywhere I live

On 8/17/2023 at 11:45 PM, JE47 said:

I personally use Growth Juice from Dustin's fishtanks but I have used Seachem Flourish and Aquarium Co-op's Easy Green. All of the fertilizers work in my opinion but I would probably recommend either Aquarium Co-op's stuff or Dustin's.

I also have flourish

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On 8/21/2023 at 12:09 PM, Helpwithmy_snailpls said:

Yea it was a lot more above the waterline I tried to push it down but the gravel was in the way so I only got to push it down a little

Having the heater like that can cause it to explode. Please verify that the minimum water level is acceptable for the heater product you have. If it doesn't fit vertically you can orient it at a slight angle like this in most cases. Just verify in the directions.



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Definitely need more of the heater submerged only black part is safe to have above the water line that could crack or fail if it won't fit upright put on an angle so it fully submerged 

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