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Ropefish and Hillstream Loaches?

Jack CO

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Just wondering if ropefish could coexist with hillstream loaches in my 60 gallon. My 4 hillstreams that are currently quarantining are close to full size, but I’m worried that eventually a full sized ropefish might try to predate on them. I don’t think they will because of how wide bodied they are, but I figure it doesn’t hurt to ask. The ropefish my lfs has are around 8 inches, but only the girth of 2 pencils. 

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You're probably fine. I'd learn _exactly_ what they're used to eating so that you can immediately provide that for them. I suspect a well-planted busy eco system where there are other species of fish fooling about would serve as a distraction too. Kribs . . . Congo Tetras . . . good options. You've probably already seen this video, but for those who haven't been introduced to the species, here's a nice on-ramp...


Edited by Fish Folk
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On 7/14/2023 at 2:28 AM, Fish Folk said:

You've probably already seen this video

I have seen the video. It’s that video along with the 8 foot tank build that gives me hope in keeping them with the hillstream loaches. There’s so many little fish species in that tank that they just leave alone

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