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Reddish tinge of L134 pleco


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On 6/26/2023 at 9:16 PM, tolstoy21 said:

I have an L134 that's showing red on its pectoral fins and around its mouth.

Is this simply from eating too many Hikari Vibra Bites, or is something more pernicious going on that needs attention?


With the redding in the fins and mouth a would be leaning towards a bacterial infection I would start treating with kanaplex or maracyn2 

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Substrate is CaribSea sand. Ph is pretty rock solid at 6.5.

I moved all these plecos to a new tank, so I am going to check how the reddish one is faring today.

I've had these fish maybe 2 years and this is the first time I've seen any distress in any of them.

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On 7/2/2023 at 12:44 PM, tolstoy21 said:

I moved all these plecos to a new tank, so I am going to check how the reddish one is faring today.

I've had these fish maybe 2 years and this is the first time I've seen any distress in any of them.

From the planet catfish page:

The species description notes the Tapajós and Jamanxim are clear water rivers and the specimens were collected in moderate to fast flowing waters, over a rocky bottom. The fish is commonly found in surprisingly still water usually over rocks.

Maybe it's just a matter of oxygenation.

Hopefully a positive update today.

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@nabokovfan87  Just checked on them today. They are surprisingly missing, but then again, I do keep them with the baby Mako grow-outs. 

Nah, the red fringe seems to have subsided quite a bit.  Still a little teeny bit at the edge of the fins, but I guess the new tank and clean water helped things along.

Also, there's a red marker laying half-hidden behind some java fern in the corner of the tank and the words 'Tool-sty Steenks!' scribbled across a pleco cave.  So I'm thinking, maybe it's not bacterial after all.   🤷‍♂️

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