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Shrimp in Bristlenose breeding tank?


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Well I am a guy who LOVES snails.


But sadly, they are subject to many conflicting opinions when it comes to egg layer tanks. I started a 1m:2f super red BN breeding project yesterday. 

The tank is 100cmx40x25h. Quite simple.



As I avoid snails in such tanks, I consider shrimp as my second fav clean up crew member. Has anyone tried keeping the shrimp and BN together in a BN breeding tank?

Would they potentially disturb BN, or cause any negative impact on the breeding project?

I know there are people who keep the two together. The crucial part here is, it being a "breeding project" tank. So I need them feel safe and well to breed. 


Normally, when I was keeping my L199 with orange sakuras, they were randomly crawling around his driftwood picking around nonstop. That is why I wanted to ask this question to be fair. Like this unintentional behavior can be problematic for some snails for instance.


Would love to hear some experiences!

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Shrimp are used by catfish breeder to keep the eggs clean in breeder box's so I don't think it would be a problem I haven't tried that combination I have been breeding bristlenose for 20 years not much in my experience interferes with there breeding 

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6 minutes ago, Colu said:

Shrimp are used by catfish breeder to keep the eggs clean in breeder box's so I don't think it would be a problem I haven't tried that combination I have been breeding bristlenose for 20 years not much in my experience interferes with there breeding 

Soo here I am coming for your dms Colu. Besides my constant IS MY FISH SICK questions, here is another topic.



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1 minute ago, Lennie said:

Soo here I am coming for your dms Colu. Besides my constant IS MY FISH SICK questions, here is another topic.



Feel free if you have any questions to DM me 


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I have the same experience when it comes to nothing interferes with BN breeding. I keep/ have kept shrimp, mystery, nerite, assasin, piano and Spixii snails as well as assorted fish with my BN. 
The only time a snail interfered Dad let me know. There was a nerite hibernating in his cave and mom was ready to lay. 
I knew to look because I was aware mom was ready and both mom and dad were glued to the front glass and followed me back and forth to alert me there was a problem. I dumped the nerite from the cave and dad immediately started grooming it. He was sitting eggs by lights out. 

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I have a very productive bn factory that is crawling with ramshorn snails. Used to also have a few chopsticks but they got big enough that their digging was knocking over ornaments, so I moved them. I think bn males are more than capable of removing snails from caves/nesting spots if they wish, and snails simply can’t catch new babies.

I’ve read elsewhere that it’s better to have more females than males for a group set up. The female’s only job is depositing eggs in a cave, but the males are the ones that care for the eggs until they hatch, and for the fry also, at least for a few days or weeks until they are old enough to do their own thing. Meaning that raising babies is more stressful on the males than on the females because the females get to rest during the entire period while the eggs are incubating up when the babies have hatched and left, and the male has subsequently recovered from his fast. So if they’re well fed, it’s no big thing for a female to produce enough eggs to lay in multiple caves, with those caves being occupied by different males, that then care for the eggs and young babies.

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@Guppysnail @TOtrees Thanks guys!


So I will be ordering 10 bloodymarys soon. They are the only ones I am currently lacking in the fishroom.

Like the trio I got are only 2 days in their new tank. But holy cow the tank looks so dead with them hiding 🙂 Maybe shrimp may bring some life to the tank! 

I also considered adding my red lizard whiptails there for breeding. However they enjoy a carnivore heavy diet instead. So I better don't mix the two.

I have also a lot of snails I can add. Mysteries, japanese trapdoors, spixis, assasins... But 3 bristlenose poop enough. I vacuumed the tank and messy food eating everyday already in 2 days :))) 


Edited by Lennie
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