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Rosy barbs with angel fish


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Hi guys

I came across a school of rosy barbs and I really fell in love with them. Currently I have angelfish in my tank. Will it be feasible to add some rosy barbs as tank mates for the angel fish?

Please help me on this

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I have rosy barbs with my angelfish. 

Barbs are generally known to be nippy but my rosy barbs are somehow angelic. Every barb tank in my lfs had some sort of nipping going on except these guy. Maybe I was just lucky. Can't guarantee if any other may decide to be nippy


However I have witnessed the insane diseases ever with the rosy barbs I have never seen in my 15yrs of fishkeeping. All ended up with weird deaths as @Colu also has been constantly exposed to my dms about them. Luckily they gave me surprise fry and they look happy and healthy.


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On 6/9/2023 at 3:50 PM, Colu said:

Rosy barbs like it cooler than angelfish with a temperature between 64-72 so I wouldn't keep the two together 

Apart from the temperature, Is there any other issue to house them together?

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On 6/9/2023 at 12:53 PM, Krish said:

Apart from the temperature, Is there any other issue to house them together?

It was mainly temperature keeping them at the higher temperature will also shorten there lifespan  

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On 6/9/2023 at 7:00 PM, Colu said:

It was mainly temperature keeping them at the higher temperature will also shorten there lifespan  

I just want to know their temperament towards angel fish. If they can be lil aggressive or so

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On 6/9/2023 at 2:45 PM, Krish said:

I just want to know their temperament towards angel fish. If they can be lil aggressive or so

I haven't kept that combination so I can't comment on that hopefully someone else can chip in 

Edited by Colu
Stupid autocorrect
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Nobody can guarantee how the two will go.

Angelfish can start being aggressive suddenly. And barbs can be nippy as I mentioned.


Anyone who will tell they work will be just sharing a very limited personal experience. Just like I did. You seeing conflicting info online means there are scenarios that go both good and wrong. Who knows which will be yours

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