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55g Tank Ideas. Show Me Yours!


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This is a custom made  160 Liters tank of mine. So 42ishg. 100cmx40x40. I bet it must be kinda close to 55 measurements.



Well for stocking, it would shock most people.

There are 2 angels, 3 black rams, school of rummy noses, sterbai cories and rosy barbs, a plakat betta, a honey gourami, 3 SAE, 1 borneo sucker, 1 amano and 4 dwarf crayfish.

The tank is insanely peaceful even the stocking sounds extremely weird. I dunno what happens when angels grow to full size. Well, I have a lot of backup plans for any scenarios :')


Couldn't find the plant part pics.

Early diatom stage pics (team sae ate it all in 2 days 😄 )



A cutipie:


Edited by Lennie
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On 6/3/2023 at 7:38 PM, Fish Folk said:

55 gal. Discus tank. Two sponge filters. 1x weekly 30% water change. 83°-F.



That is gorgeous! Discus are my dream fish, but IDK if I’m advanced enough yet for them! Yours are beautiful!

On 6/3/2023 at 8:05 PM, Lennie said:

This is a custom made  160 Liters tank of mine. So 42ishg. 100cmx40x40. I bet it must be kinda close to 55 measurements.



Well for stocking, it would shock most people.

There are 2 angels, 3 black rams, school of rummy noses, sterbai cories and rosy barbs, a plakat betta, a honey gourami, 3 SAE, 1 borneo sucker, 1 amano and 4 dwarf crayfish.

The tank is insanely peaceful even the stocking sounds extremely weird. I dunno what happens when angels grow to full size. Well, I have a lot of backup plans for any scenarios :')


Couldn't find the plant part pics.

Early diatom stage pics (team sae ate it all in 2 days 😄 )



A cutipie:


Love the scape! And yes, the fish is definitely a a cutie! Thanks for sharing!

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On 6/3/2023 at 8:22 PM, FLFishChik said:

That is gorgeous! Discus are my dream fish, but IDK if I’m advanced enough yet for them! Yours are beautiful!

We buy ours for ca. $25-30 / ea. As long as your tank is established and kept _warm_ they’re about as easy a fish as any to keep. They appreciate being in groups.

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On 6/3/2023 at 8:24 PM, Fish Folk said:

We buy ours for ca. $25-30 / ea. As long as your tank is established and kept _warm_ they’re about as easy a fish as any to keep. They appreciate being in groups.

How many do you have in the tank? Do you have any other fish in the tank or cleaning crew?

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On 6/3/2023 at 8:26 PM, FLFishChik said:

How many do you have in the tank? Do you have any other fish in the tank or cleaning crew?

I’ve had this going is different iterations for a few years. At the time these photos were taken, I kept about 7x Discus. I’ve always kept a couple Bristlenose Plecos with them. They have variously shared tank with Electric Blue Acaras, German Blue Rams, Siamese Algae Eaters, and Glowlight Pygmy Barbs.

Right now, I have 4x Discus, 8x Rams, 3x Bristlenose Plecos.

Here are a bunch of shots taken over the years…






















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On 6/3/2023 at 8:48 PM, Fish Folk said:

I’ve had this going is different iterations for a few years. At the time these photos were taken, I kept about 7x Discus. I’ve always kept a couple Bristlenose Plecos with them. They have variously shared tank with Electric Blue Acaras, German Blue Rams, Siamese Algae Eaters, and Glowlight Pygmy Barbs.

Right now, I have 4x Discus, 8x Rams, 3x Bristlenose Plecos.

Here are a bunch of shots taken over the years…






















That is amazing! Now I’m definitely considering a discus tank!  If you don’t mind, can you share where you get your discus from?

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On 6/4/2023 at 1:01 AM, FLFishChik said:

I just got the OK from the spouse to purchase a 55g tank!!!!!!!! I’m interested in getting some stocking, scaping, deco ideas! Show me yours (mostly for an idea of scale) and share your suggestions!!!!

This is my 63 gal when it was looking great: FC2CC4A7-4B86-4E67-BC62-796EDD44CEFB.jpeg.7889d347e5dd678c1684f0f97b282383.jpeg6BDF3A93-20FC-4406-A398-8666BC7509D8.jpeg.b6488bfa9dcff8dc0d567541a74afb8f.jpeg

I can’t wait to see yours! Trying to decide from all the suggestions it tough. 😅

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So now that my tank has been upgraded… 

im thinking about Seal Point Angelfish OR Boesemani Rainbowfish… 

1) how many of either could I place in a 75g heavily planted, over filtered tank along with a clean up crew

2)could I possibly do both?

What clean up crew would be good with either of these fish?

Edited by FLFishChik
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On 6/5/2023 at 10:45 PM, FLFishChik said:

So now that my tank has been upgraded… 

im thinking about Seal Point Angelfish OR Boesemani Rainbowfish… 

1) how many of either could I place in a 75g heavily planted, over filtered tank along with a clean up crew

2)could I possibly do both?

What clean up crew would be good with either of these fish?

With angels, you should be ready with a backup plan all the time. Everything may work for months and suddenly you may find yourself in need to removing a bully or a victim, or a pair. It is likely when kept in groups, they will pair up when they grow up and start bullying everyone else in the tank.


My angel community tank has otos, sae and borneo sucker. They find borneo sucker weird and watch him closely sometimes, try to pick on him like he is a food. They don't care about otos or SAE tho, at least for now.


Btw, I don't know if it is a general attitude or something for fish specific, my LFS carries soo many angels, 8-9 angel tanks, and the only bullies were in the Bulgarian angels' tank. Probably just luck? Idk. I know some angel breeds are more agressive than others. Not sure Bulgarians is one of them. They are pretty fish tho, lucky I have a chance to see lots of fish irl as my LFS carries a lot.

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On 6/4/2023 at 8:18 AM, FLFishChik said:

Sooo… change of plans 😂



I was JUST ABOUT to scream to the heavens to recommend that you get the 75. It's so much nicer!!!!!!!! Especially the kids from aqueon. (Via the big box store website and ship them to the house)


I'm just going to tell you to setup my dream tank, but that might not be what you want!

Get 3-4 schools of different tetras or things that like the 78 deg water and maybe a Bolivian ram in there for fun with some corydoras trilineatus types. The other setup is the barb/rasbora/white cloud setup and just go to town with active, brightly colored, and fun to feed fish.

Good substrate (trust me, you won't want to do it over) and stems and such to help give that vertical space some life.

Do you have any ideas for hardscape materials and other things?

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On 6/5/2023 at 4:27 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

I was JUST ABOUT to scream to the heavens to recommend that you get the 75. It's so much nicer!!!!!!!! Especially the kids from aqueon. (Via the big box store website and ship them to the house)


I'm just going to tell you to setup my dream tank, but that might not be what you want!

Get 3-4 schools of different tetras or things that like the 78 deg water and maybe a Bolivian ram in there for fun with some corydoras trilineatus types. The other setup is the barb/rasbora/white cloud setup and just go to town with active, brightly colored, and fun to feed fish.

Good substrate (trust me, you won't want to do it over) and stems and such to help give that vertical space some life.

Do you have any ideas for hardscape materials and other things?

I went into Petco with every intention of getting the 55g.. but looking at the 75g and seeing the difference in space, I just couldn’t justify NOT upgrading!

as for substrate… I’m torn. Gravel has been good to me and it’s easy to maintain… but sand is intriguing and I’m not sure which I should chose for this tank

hardscape… a mix of larger and smaller stone and drift wood

Plants… I want a good wall or cropping of Vallisneria. Anubias, Java fern in and around the hardscape…most definitely Crypts.

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