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Unidentified Illness in Neon Tetra


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Hey everyone,

I picked up 6 neon tetras from the store last week and one of them came in this condition. I can’t fully tell what is going on… I thought it might be ick but, the white lump on his back half doesn’t appear to be fuzzy. It’s almost like it’s coming from under the scales? And advice would be amazing here!


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On 5/29/2023 at 5:28 PM, AndyR said:

I have a small breeder box which is already housing another neon that has a missing fin 😳. The neon in this photo seems to be swimming total fine and is very active though!

Ah ok. That's unfortunate you've been having issues with the group.

Hopefully someone can chime in with a better idea of what we're looking at.

Not being fuzzy would indicate treating for a bacterial issue.  Salt and maracyn would be the place to start there. Given the plants in the tank, it's best to move the fish to QT as well.  It would be advantageous to treat both with the med and salt.

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On 5/31/2023 at 4:22 AM, AndyR said:

Thanks for the help here. Unfortunate indeed 😕 I’ll pick up some maracyn tomorrow and hope for the best. Salt has already been added 👍

Possible start of neon tetra diseases with symptoms your fish is showing 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just wanted to follow up here to say I sadly lost my finless friend 😞 I have quarantined two other neons that I posted about just now as well. Hoping I can get to the bottom of this ASAP!

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Neon tetra disease is spread by your fish eating the body's of dead fish and ingesting to many pleistophora for there immune system handle leading to neon tetra disease the only way to stop the spread is to remove any fish showing symptoms so they don't die in the tank and get eaten they  will typically  get lumps in the muscle tissue Snout chondroma these are growth on the mouth fin loss in your picture it looks like the start of neon Tetra disease @AndyR

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