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My first Apisto fry 🥰

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On 5/24/2023 at 12:03 AM, Guppysnail said:

Fourth batch of Apisto fry ready to come out of the cave. Determined to give guppies a run for their money on fry production 🤣


Livebearers are outcompeted at this point.

So many babies

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The two moms have completely different parenting styles. 

Orb has a 4 inch circle she keeps around her fry and she does not move out of it and stays at the center low. She moves that area about her side of the tank. She never leaves the cave with fry in. She will come out on her porch to eat. 

Olive hovers mid to upper level in the water column. She guards her entire side of the tank. She always tucks her babies somewhere in a nook or in the cave but only stays close to them when they are in the corner behind the uplift tube. It’s almost like she is hiding her fry in hopes no one knows they are there. 
This got several of her fry kidnapped by Orb last time. 
I think it is interesting that sisters from the same batch parent so differently 

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The coolest thing I got to see today. I came home from the store and Orbs babies were all over the tank. She chased them off and was grooming the cave for the next batch. 
Olive had just brought her new kids out but my filter flow was a touch high since I just cleaned it so her kids were spreading to far. 
Dad is a ROCKSTAR 🌟 

He was collecting babies frantically to help. I thought he was eating them but he did not eat a single one. He was spitting them all back at the moms. 
The problem was he was spitting them at wrong moms. Whoever he was closest to when he found one he spit the baby at 🤣

I knew it was close to time for Orb to scatter the kids but I thought I had time  so I rushed about to reset a snail tank to accommodate this batch  pictures tomorrow since all this happened at lights out time 🙄


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  • 2 weeks later...

My girls are still on a baby making roll. Orb is on her 3rd set of eggs. Mishap and one of my smaller Spixii snails ate her actual third set of eggs so technically her fourth. She was panicked and I found the snail sleeping off the caviar in the cave. It took her 2 weeks to make a new set. Olive is getting ready to chase off her second batch and had an egg belly for her third. 
Papa kept chasing the girls away from one corner of the tank. The girls were meeting up behind the anubias there to squabble. I thought he was just peace keeping like he usually does. 
Turns out there were 2 babies from Orbs second batch still living back there 😲

I guess he was keeping the girls from killing them. He is a super rockstar papa 🥰 He is much to large to fit in the caves now  

Orbs first kiddos are starting to get color and even a touch of patterning. 





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  • 3 weeks later...
On 6/22/2023 at 3:59 PM, Guppysnail said:

I was thinking since dad no longer fits in the cave less eggs would get fertilized. Boy was I WRONG!  You need to zoom in but my substrate now looks like it is made of eyes  


Ive just seen this Gup


Keep updating us

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  • 3 weeks later...

Interesting new behavior. 
Orb usually chases her babies away when she is done raising them. That should be next week sometime. Yesterday and today she just doesn’t pay attention to them or take them in the cave at night. She spent the past 2 days flirting with dad and cleaning her cave. The fry just hang out in the last area she told them to be. 

Dad has been on day care duty for Orbs kids the past 2 days. He guards them and ushers them about and nabs them when they stray just like mom usually does. 

Olives kids are only a week behind orbs. Dad still checks on them. 

A few weeks ago I found older fry dad was hanging with behind the sponge. Today I found an even older fry that I missed a few batches back living in the moss divider. 

I was under the impression the male caucatoides would not eat fry but also would not actively participate in raising them  guess I was wrong  🤪


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On 7/14/2023 at 5:30 PM, anewbie said:

The only problem with producing that many frys is it is shorten their life ;(


Sadly I know. I’ve dropped the tank temp slowly as far as I am comfortable with these kids to try and slow the flow. So far it’s not helped. 
If I pull dad the girls most definitely will kill one another. He plays referee quite often. 
Im happy to enjoy them and let nature take its course. I know they have the best life I can offer. 

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  • 5 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
On 9/5/2023 at 4:01 AM, TheSwissAquarist said:

 How many more babies have they had in the meantime ? 

Each girl produces a batch every month. I’ve lost count it’s been so many. 


On 9/5/2023 at 4:10 AM, TheSwissAquarist said:

What size is the tank btw? 

20g long

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  • 4 weeks later...

Orbs first batch of fry in the new tank. I have sand in here instead of gravel. Something new I got to see. She dug a hole for her babies. When the tank lights went out yesterday and today she took her babies to the hole so they could continue to forage. Last night she carted them home to the hut as the overhead plant lights dimmed. 
Tonight the hole is deeper and I still have the last light on dim to give her time to collect all the babies and tuck them in. 
She is not she is searching the perimeter of the hole and keeps settling her body down in the hole. 
Im going to give her some dim light time in case she changes her mind and wants to cart the babies to the hut. 

LATE EDIT:  She indeed is sleeping in her hole with her babies  interesting Papa parked himself above the anubias she dug the hole under.  Protective papa  

The hole 







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  • 2 months later...

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