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Plant recommendations for the dark side of the tank

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Hello all! I am looking for some plant recommendations for a spot I call Pleco’s Peak in the aquarium 😂. This spot is under a big piece of driftwood, a tall Anubias Barteri, and some Hastifolia. Because of that, it doesn’t get much artificial light, but my window does shine a small, random spot of about 2 hours of western sun toward that exact spot in the evening. I am looking to plant something small to medium, perhaps a creeping type, in between the rock pile and the Pleco cave. Any thoughts?  Sorry about the glare! 



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That's probably a tough one for a "creeping" plant which I take to mean some sort of carpeting plant or similar. Most need higher light in my experience though maybe someone else has an idea. 

Personally I'd put a low light plant like an Anubias nana petite, theoretically it can creep by growing extentions. They are hardy, small leaved and beautiful. 

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