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Not a huge haul here but a few things to add to the jar. The Java fern will go into one of the tanks.

This is Java moss and moneywort. Pretty fair prices at the LFS. But shelled out $19.99 for a nitrate test kit. 😑  




I placed the plants in dechlorinated water while I checked for little (desirable) snails. I didn’t find snails of any type, but the tank the plants were in was prolific with bladder snail eggs. So the plants will be soaked in seltzer to kill those eggs and whatever other undesirable things that may be residing on the plants.

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Culling wilds out to the jar daily. Usually it’s just one or two. They’ll come out of the woodwork in the blue tank and I fish them out. I lost count of how many shrimps are in the Walstad jar. 😳 It’s very densely planted. However, parameters are still perfect. I test for ammonia daily. Never any reading. The multi strip is once, maybe twice a week.

The last 2 days I put a tiny piece of boiled cauliflower. They make quick work of it. Never anything left to remove.

Edited by Chick-In-Of-TheSea
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The hairgrass has been staying put so it must have rooted. Hooray! And I flicked on the room light last night.. I believe I interrupted a little date!



I have a lazy susan coming from Amazon.  It should arrive in a few days.  It's a heavy duty one that can hold a monitor, or a potted plant, so I think it will work nicely with the weight of my jar. I notice the shrimps tend to get startled when I turn the jar (it must sound like an earthquake to them), so I think this will be a good solution. Since my light is not attached to the jar, I don't have to worry about the cord while turning the lazy susan.

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The mailman moved the lazy Susan to the parcel locker yesterday and I was able to retrieve it. The item does not look exactly like what I ordered, but it is labeled heavy duty so I tried it overnight with my kettlebell on it. It spun fine last night and this morning. Now I can show you the whole jar from all angles.


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I checked on the jar today and discovered baby bladder snails. Predictable, yet quicker than anticipated.

Look at the dots on the grass.


A film has settled back on the top of the water. Maybe they will eat it. The adults are good at that.

Any thoughts on this new development (good or bad)?  Discuss. 





Oh, I um… I fed one to Geppetto (the betta). He caught it, spit it out, caught it, then spit it out and was done. 🙄 So I had to retrieve the little spec from his tank. The victim is the one on the floating plant. 😬

(He’s fine. Suction still working well.)

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On 4/13/2023 at 4:08 PM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

A film has settled back on the top of the water. Maybe they will eat it. The adults are good at that.

Any thoughts on this new development (good or bad)?  Discuss. 


For the snails, I think it's Dean or someone who said "squish em, it's good food".

I wouldn't let them get out of hand and I'm not just saying because it's a snail.  Pond/bladder snails can populate really fast if you don't keep an eye out.

In that jar, I'd go with a horned nerite (the small ones).  I'd probably just have 2-3 of them.

For the film, not really sure.how to handle that. I had a big film on mine after 1 day. Some people disturb it to make sure there can be exchange.

Edited by nabokovfan87
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On 4/13/2023 at 7:42 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

In that jar, I'd go with a horned nerite (the small ones

Sir. I believe I have enough snails in the jar! We are no longer at stage 1: stocking. 🙃

On 4/13/2023 at 7:42 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

I had a big film on mine after 1 day

What did you have in your jar? Shrimps?

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On 4/13/2023 at 5:09 PM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

What did you have in your jar? Shrimps?

No it was literally just plants and substrate. Trying to get some of the S. Repens trimmings to plant. The substrate wasn't rinsed well, wanted the junk in there to feed the plants. I did a few changes, after a few attempts at fixing things and getting it clear it wasn't doing anything. I didn't have enough light for the jar I had. But, the film on top of the jar was pretty gnarly after a day. It's proteins and just from the standing water.

I have a light, I can try again. But the dark color is just the light on the jar and the black substrate. 20230217_112359.jpg.3c70b44f111ae24021824505f5333316.jpg

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On 4/13/2023 at 8:31 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

No it was literally just plants and substrate. Trying to get some of the S. Repens trimmings to plant. The substrate wasn't rinsed well, wanted the junk in there to feed the plants. I did a few changes, after a few attempts at fixing things and getting it clear it wasn't doing anything. I didn't have enough light for the jar I had. But, the film on top of the jar was pretty gnarly after a day. It's proteins and just from the standing water.

I have a light, I can try again. But the dark color is just the light on the jar and the black substrate. 20230217_112359.jpg.3c70b44f111ae24021824505f5333316.jpg

What size was it?

On 4/13/2023 at 8:31 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

I didn't have enough light for the jar I had.

The little light I am using is on sale right now! Even though the regular price is reasonable too. Link to light

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On 4/13/2023 at 5:49 PM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

What size was it?

32 oz I believe.



On 4/13/2023 at 5:49 PM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

The little light I am using is on sale right now! Even though the regular price is reasonable too. Link to light

I got one that hooks to a table, I have a table I can hook it to as well. 🙂

I basically begged to use it and was told "nope" a bunch of times.  It's now being used in the living room for plants, which was too strong for them, so it could be used for the jar now.

I'll check out the one you got 🙂

I need a better jar, but I have this 10 gallon aquarium that seems to be jar shaped..... 😂

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My friend texted me about discovering a bladder snail in her tank.  I told her, be careful!  One can become 100!  So she put hers in her Walstad jar.  

I will share a brief story about her Walstad jar.  She set it up like mine and put 3 endlers and 2 or 3 ghost shrimp.  The parameters were wild and along the way she added an airstone (a fish jumped out when she did this). There was one other situation where a fish jumped out as well.  Ultimately she ended up moving all the animals to tanks and kept the plants in there.  She may try again by adding inverts later, but for now the bladder snail and the plants are in there and are receiving routine light. 

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On 3/31/2023 at 6:59 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

It looks like a "Sakura" stage on a black rose shrimp. Very cool.

That second photo skews so nicely as a mix between the black shrimp and the wild type.

Sakuras actually have pretty solid color. My oranges were sakuras and they were pure solid orange color, not patchy at all! And I got them for real cheap


Sakura Orange Shrimp - Garnale GardenBlack Sakura Shrimp - Live Fish Direct

My sakuras with 0 culling entire life:



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