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Fish ID?


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Looks like a standard guppy.

Poecilia reticulata

Ill say this about hybrids.

basically all fish in the hobby that have been farmed for a while are hybrids, for example.

You cannot go into a pet store and call a platy "xiphophorus maculatus", that is incorrect. (despite what the label claims).

A platy in a pet store is a hybrid of Xiphophorus Maculatus,Variatus,Helleri and possibly a few species i forgot, so its really Xiphophorus Sp.

Chances are with standard guppies, they have a mix of guppy and endler in them.

so yes its probably a hybrid, but i wouldnt worry, thats normal.

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On 3/23/2023 at 7:37 PM, Grizzly said:

@Theplatymaster @Beardedbillygoat1975

so I have a tank full of these and if I were to unload some of them what would label them as? Mutt guppy?, standard guppy? 
just curious cause I don’t want to advertise them as the wrong thing 

If you're marketing them to other fish keepers I'd call them mixed guppies.  If you plan to take them to an LFS for cash or store credit you can call them whatever you want, but they will likely correct you can say they're mutt guppies.

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On 3/23/2023 at 8:37 PM, Grizzly said:

@Theplatymaster @Beardedbillygoat1975

so I have a tank full of these and if I were to unload some of them what would label them as? Mutt guppy?, standard guppy? 
just curious cause I don’t want to advertise them as the wrong thing 

So when I market my bestie and my fish-  I plan to do so as such:


"Chandelle Endler Special- a beautiful Hybrid of Endler Sp, to create the most intriguing colors and patterns. These are specially breed and selected for color and hardiness." Something like that. 🙂 

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