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Favorite fish and why they change so often?


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What is your current fave tank buddy? How often does your change?

I know mine does often and can even depend on the particular fish. Currently, its the runt of the school of Gold Laser Corys...he swims with them all the time and then out of the blue shoots to the surface, divebombs the rest. 😂

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On 2/26/2023 at 3:55 PM, Shadow said:

What is your current fave tank buddy? How often does your change?

I know mine does often and can even depend on the particular fish. Currently, its the runt of the school of Gold Laser Corys...he swims with them all the time and then out of the blue shoots to the surface, divebombs the rest. 😂

I have decided to name the little guy, "JJ McClure" after CANNONBALL run. 🙂


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It's hard to have a consistent favorite. I like my platies and guppies best for color, my mollies for being hard workers, the disgruntled facial expressions of my gold white clouds. I like the hovercraft swimming style of my angelfish...

... and don't get me started on the types of fish I don't even have yet. I constantly have to talk myself out of cories, loaches, diamond tetras, and tiger barbs.

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On 2/26/2023 at 6:51 PM, mynameisnobody said:

Rainbow fish, rainbow fish, rainbow fish are always my fave

When I get moved, my first big tank build will be a riverbank strong flow tank for rainbow fish and plecos, maybe some other fun additions. 🙂 

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My beautiful honey gourami Mil always draws me in. She's so graceful and those little feelers are so cool. I am loving the cute little strawberry rasboras I just added to my shrimp tank too though. They are so active and entertaining, and the tinyness is too cute!

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