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Betta in a community tank


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    Has anyone had success adding a male Betta to a stocked community tank? We have a 20 long with white cloud minnows, 4 Julii Corydoras, and 4 yellow/orange guppies. I was able to introduce a female to a group of 10 CPDs in a different tank, but I'm wondering if a male could adapt as well. 

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In my experience, you have a 50/50 shot of getting a betta that’s fairly chill. If it were me, I would definitely add one just so the guppies don’t over run the aquarium. Betta’s are notorious fry hunters. Even if the guppies are all the same sex and fry aren’t an option, I still think it’s a good idea. I’d also add 2 more  julii, they’ll appreciate the numbers and you’ll see them more often, the more you have. Good luck and let us know what you decide. 

Edited by mynameisnobody
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Depends on the betta. My male is in a 20 long with CPD, emerald dwarf rasbora, pair of balloon GBR, paskai rainbows, emerald eye rasboras. He doesn’t care much for the smaller fish but would sometimes show off to the male ram. 

They would show aggression in the beginning but they should calm down after a few hours. If they’re still aggressive after 24 hours then I’d move them. 

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I have had several males in several community tanks. As stated numerously above it really depends on the fish. I had one male that got what I can only describe as anxiety with other fish constantly moving around him. He would hide all the time until he got his own tank. And then he was constantly exploring and checking on the snails that cohabited with him. He was just on snail time. 

Do watch for fin nipping with guppies. Guppies are the only fish that I’ve seen consistently struggle with male betta aggression as they can’t outswim them and their bright colors attract aggression from tank mates

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On 2/22/2023 at 10:25 AM, Biotope Biologist said:

Guppies are the only fish that I’ve seen consistently struggle with male betta aggression as they can’t outswim them and their bright colors attract aggression from tank mates

To be fair, with those flowy trails and bright colors they kinda look like little bettas if you squint 

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