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Snails in my ACO heater died, their shells interfered with heat.


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Hi. I've had my Aquarium Co op heaters for about 5 months now. They are great, I don't worry about the temperature because I can easily see it and/or change the temp with control. I recently had a weird experince for me - I took the heater out of pone  because it didn't seem to be keeping the tank as warm as my setting. When I removed it (after unplugging) I found the inside packed with snail shells and an awful smell. After carefully crushing the shells and flushing them out I put it back in ad it's working perfectly again. 

Has anyone else had this happen? And does anyone know how to clean the glass covering the heating coils? I was't happy to put something so smelly back in.

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Huh, interesting. I had 2 ACO heaters in my tank & I just took one out yesterday because it was overkill (my house used to be a lot colder but we got a mini-split system installed last year). I did have about 3 small ramshorns crawl out, which I tossed back in the tank. Didn't notice any dead ones or smell. I'll have to look closer when I get home tonight. 

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On 1/31/2023 at 12:16 PM, sankaz said:

Hi. I've had my Aquarium Co op heaters for about 5 months now. They are great, I don't worry about the temperature because I can easily see it and/or change the temp with control. I recently had a weird experince for me - I took the heater out of pone  because it didn't seem to be keeping the tank as warm as my setting. When I removed it (after unplugging) I found the inside packed with snail shells and an awful smell. After carefully crushing the shells and flushing them out I put it back in ad it's working perfectly again. 

Has anyone else had this happen? And does anyone know how to clean the glass covering the heating coils? I was't happy to put something so smelly back in.


Maybe the amount of dead snails in your heater was restricting the flow of the water through it. 

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Yes, that's what I was thinking. So I know now to keep an eye on that. Do you think it might be better not to try to clean it? I don't want to ruin the heater. And as for the smell from it, I could only smell it after I took it out of the tank. So maybe just leave it, huh?

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 1/31/2023 at 4:26 PM, sankaz said:

Yes, that's what I was thinking. So I know now to keep an eye on that. Do you think it might be better not to try to clean it? I don't want to ruin the heater. And as for the smell from it, I could only smell it after I took it out of the tank. So maybe just leave it, huh?

I think it's better to keep it as clean from shells as possible to avoid any heating issues.

About the smell, not really sure how to get rid of that. Maybe email customer support to see what can be used to clean the heater if needed. Like if you can use bleach or vinegar? I'm sure they'll be able to help with that. I've emailed them about some issues I have with the 50w heaters and they responded within the day. They're very quick with the responses which I really appreciate.

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Following @knee's advise I contacted ACO customer support about cleaning my heater. Candi in her lightning fast response assured me that using white vinegar can safely clean it. Love the products AND the customer service as well as my ACO cohort! Browsing youtube and catching my first Cory video has literally changed my life! I have five tanks between home and work now and life is twice as interesting. Thanks to all the Aquarium Co op people and to all the others who are interested and supportive to this wonderful hobby. 

Edited by sankaz
I hate misspelling words!
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In my testing I've seen a snail shell or two in the heaters. Nothing that ever caused a problem like you're saying. My guess is that it was a chain reaction. Snail gets in and dies, gives off the foul smell, attracts more snails, they die, give off smell, attracts more etc. Usually a rinse and a little bit of time gets rid of snail smell. They smell the worst when they die.

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I never knew that snails are attracted to foul smells! It makes sense upon thinking about it. Another reason to keep my tanks clean. And yes, The slots on the sided are big enough for snails to get in there.

I haven't confessed that I tried adjusting the pH and almost killed all the fish. I realized fairly quickly that I'd really made a dumb mistake. But not fast enough to save all the snails. But yeah, they had to be in there already, hm.

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