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Cherry Shrimp Tank


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so setting up my 5gal low tech cherry shrimp tank has been a blast so far, I’ve never dedicated a tank to shrimp before, so I’m still learning. I was curious to see, I’m using substrate that was previously used in another tank, as well as slate rock and plants. My ammonia levels are between 0-.25ppm, nitrites 0 and nitrates almost 0, but the tanks only been up for about 2 weeks. Should I go ahead and add some shrimp, or should I wait longer for it develop? There is a good layer of biofilm on the surface of the aquarium, and the rocks are already starting to get covered in substance, so I feel the food would be adequate. Let me know what you think!


Also, on another note. I didn’t make the stratum layer deep enough, any quick fixes so the plants stop coming loose and floating?B03DAA77-2AB3-410C-8B0E-7E813B1A1F85.jpeg.39c2d0a2471f682233aa0a43dd645831.jpeg

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On 1/20/2023 at 1:44 PM, NanotankBank said:

Also, on another note. I didn’t make the stratum layer deep enough, any quick fixes so the plants stop coming loose and floating?

If you don't have any plant weights, you can bunch a few stems in a ceramic bio-ring to weigh it down, or alternately, use a tiny dab of glue and a deft hand to stick a small piece of gravel to the roots.

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Shrimps can be a bit more sensitive then a lot of fish when it comes to an ammonia spike.

The fact that you don't have any nitrites or nitrates in the tank doesn't say to much after 2 weeks.
Might that it you already had the 'ammonia spike', might that it still has to come or maybe it won't come because you had enough bacteria all along.

I would just be patience and wait another couple of weeks. Better safe then sorry.

Edited by Remi de Groot
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