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Guppy tail bleeding

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I was just about to turn off my aquarium light when I saw my blue guppy’s tail bleeding. This never happened before and I never saw any of my fish bulling each other. I have 3 guppies, 3 platies, and a snail. Do you think it’s because of a attack or fin rot?FB160585-B949-4DE7-8129-E653BDDCA0D4.jpeg.42211b7603f75788dcf5e192d4db3737.jpeg

Edited by iwanttostayanonymous 92074
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I would look into fin rot meds and start looking at adding some salt tonight.  Heavily planted tank?

There is also some redness right by the end of the tail (top right) where there is a little redness on the fin ray.  Either something went after the fish, it damaged itself, or it's a disease.  You'd want to make sure to avoid infections and monitor it closely.

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On 1/13/2023 at 9:30 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

I would look into fin rot meds and start looking at adding some salt tonight.  Heavily planted tank?

My tank only has a few small plants. I added the salt. I have this medicine that says it treats fin rot but I don’t know if there’s a better one and the one I have is crap.B899A041-B39E-42DF-9466-1636EBCC5589.jpeg.1b0f1b28d9bc9ad336d7750b15d3b0d5.jpegF6C4AA66-3017-4246-AD82-D0A71EB1AF89.jpeg.0cc71e0731529cea17f91b1d60c24911.jpeg

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On 1/13/2023 at 6:34 PM, iwanttostayanonymous 92074 said:

I have this medicine that says it treats fin rot but I don’t know if there’s a better one and the one I have is crap.

Go ahead and dose that in as well.  That is basically equivalent to adding in some Indian Almond Leaves / Botanicals into the water.  It's beneficial, but not going to be the single thing to resolve the situation.

I used Kanaplex to treat it in my tank.  It took 2 full treatments.  I redosed salt on the second treatment as well.  (I had dosed it initially, dosed in the meds, then given a few big water changes and days off of meds before starting the second round).

To give you an idea though, for people who keep tiger barbs, it is often recommended to keep erythromycin on hand for the sake of "battle wounds" and it's definitely come in useful.

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On 1/13/2023 at 9:30 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

Either something went after the fish, it damaged itself, or it's a disease.

This might be my bad. I recently transferred my fish into a new tank because my old one was leaking. In my old tank I had a little cave with plastic parts on it. This isn’t the first time my blue guppy hurt its tail. EB35FE53-2197-41D2-A715-84A920B693EE.jpeg.8b6485edc0b1e25ac863e917eac1dc91.jpeg

He had split his tail and I was pretty sure  it was because of some sharp plastic on the cave. My dad visited my place a week ago to transfer everything (knows nothing about fish keeping) and insisted on putting the cave back in and when I said that he shouldn’t he got it out anyways and put it in the tank. He meant well thinking that the fish will have a cave to hide in but this could have caused this injury. I was going to a pet store tomorrow to get a new cave so I just left the old one in there not thinking much of it. Do you think this could have been the problem?

Edited by iwanttostayanonymous 92074
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On 1/13/2023 at 6:50 PM, iwanttostayanonymous 92074 said:

I was going to a pet store tomorrow to get a new cave so I just left the old one in there not thinking much of it. Do you think this could have been the problem?

Could be.  I would avoid most / all decor in the big box stores.  Especially fish with  finnage you'd want to stick to rocks and wood for decor.  Most of those premade decor items kill fish compared to giving them a place to hide.  They drill holes and all kinds of issues that can result in cuts / nicks like you've seen.  Just a note. 

The store should have some mopani, rocks, and other items you can use that would give the fish places to hide.  Plants help as well, but start with wood and rocks, find something you like. 

If it's rough to your finger, it'll tear some fins.

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On 1/13/2023 at 10:08 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

Track down or order some kanaplex.  Start there.  You added salt.... what dose did you use?

I understand its stressful, but you're doing the correct things.

Test your water and report back.  Ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, PH, KH, temp, etc.

It’s a 15 gallon tank so I used 3 tablespoons.

Ammonia 0

Nitrate 5

Nitrite 0

Cl2 0

gh 75

Alkalinity 120

kh 80

ph 7.6

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On 1/13/2023 at 7:34 PM, iwanttostayanonymous 92074 said:

It’s a 15 gallon tank so I used 3 tablespoons.

For what you're dealing with you're going to want a bit more.  I should've mentioned it earlier, but also add an airstone if you can.

Level 2 Treatment

1 Tbsp Salt per 2 Gallons of Water


Level 2 treatment is capable of combating a wider range of illnesses. For example, you can use this recipe to treat ich (a common ailment also known as white spot disease) for a period of 10 days. However, if the symptoms are only getting worse after 5 days, try increasing the concentration again.


On 1/13/2023 at 7:34 PM, iwanttostayanonymous 92074 said:

Ammonia 0

Nitrate 5

Nitrite 0

Cl2 0

gh 75

Alkalinity 120

kh 80

ph 7.6


Edited by nabokovfan87
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