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Fluval 3.0 question

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Are 2 Fluval 3.0 lights set at 50% equal to 1 set at 100%?

I'm trying to figure out how to duplicate 1 light at 100% with 2 lights. Imagine a 48" long tank with 2 48" long fluval 3.0's on top of it (one right in front of the other). I'm guessing the 2 lights should be set at 50% each but need confirmation.

Thank you. 

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Bummer. Okay, so no it's not 100 when combined. There's certainly some crossover area that will be brighter than 50% so keep that in mind.

Just FYI:

Using Amazon pricing.

48 inch Fluval 3.0 $230.00x2=$460.00 

Chihiros WRGB2 120 is $379.00


The Chihiros is a much better light significantly. You would only need one for a standard 75 gallon. Superior contrast than Fluval and would grow any high demand plants.

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Thank you. I am not running CO2. I use liquid carbon daily, liquid ferts and root tabs. 

I have another tank with 1 fluval 3.0 set at 100% and use liquid carbon / ferts and the plants are doing great. This tank that has the 2 lights has the same plants but they just aren't performing like my other tank. It seems it has to be the lighting. This tank with the 2 lights is 3 inches taller. 

Your plants do look better under the new light. That's for sure. 

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Any chance you can tell if these plants are getting too much / too little light? 

I put some in 2 of my tanks. These are doing terrible and the ones in the other tank are doing really well. 

I added them to both tanks at the same time - about 6 weeks ago. 



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125 Gallons. 

Flourish - I'm using about 5ml per week. Recommended dose would be 4x this amount but I have read that algae can become an issue if you use the full recommended dosage. Maybe I should increase? 

Flourish excel - I'm using 20ml daily. Recommended dose is around 12ml daily. 

Also use root tabs (seachem) 

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Ah okay, Flourish is just a supplement of Micros and almost no Macros. It looks like the plants are dropping lower leaves to support new growth. Unfortunately, root tabs can be misleading and a comprehensive water column dosing schedule is still needed. You will want to use an all in one fertilizer like Easy Green or NilocG. They're others, but these are easy to get.

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To your other question. Partially the light placement depends on where the plants are, but to maximize coverage I would have them 1/3 of the way from the front and back of the tank. Right next to one another isn't good for heat or for spread. Slightly apart helps with refraction and the penetration across the entire substrate.

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On 1/12/2023 at 10:26 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

To your other question. Partially the light placement depends on where the plants are, but to maximize coverage I would have them 1/3 of the way from the front and back of the tank. Right next to one another isn't good for heat or for spread. Slightly apart helps with refraction and the penetration across the entire substrate.

I'm working on a similar setup, so I've been following along with this thread. How would you take the hinge on the glass top into account for positioning the two lights? 

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